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RepRisk – Delivers Transparency That Drives Better Decisions

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RepRisk was founded in 1998 as an environmental and social risk consultancy focused on the financial sector. Today, RepRisk runs the most comprehensive database on ESG risks, delivering curated data on a daily basis. Their database includes risk profiles for about 70,000 listed and non-listed companies from all around the world. Their current focus is on a new product called Director’s Brief – a quarterly peer bench-marking report focused on ESG and reputational risks.

Bellow is our interview with Philipp Aeby, CEO of RepRisk:


Q: RepRisk runs the most comprehensive database on ESG risks, delivering curated data on a daily basis. Tell us something more about the company and your history?

A: The story of RepRisk is about how an idea – increased transparency on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks – has changed the way that companies do business. Our focus on risks is closely linked to our history: we started off in 1998 as an environmental and social risk consultancy focused on the financial sector. In 2006, we received a request from a major bank to prepare a list of about 100 companies that were severely exposed to environmental and social risks – companies that this client should be careful to finance or invest in. When that list was delivered, we realized this was an interesting data set that could be useful to other organizations. That same year, the RepRisk platform (online database) was launched with the support of UBS.

Today, our database – which grows daily – includes data (risk profiles) on close to 70,000 listed and non-listed companies from around the world. We also have data on over 17,000 projects (mines, pipelines, factories, plantations), as well as for every sector and country in the world.

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Q: Who is your ideal customer and why?

A: Our customer base is quite varied – from banks and insurances, to asset managers and asset owners, to corporates interested in supply chain and sustainability. Regardless of the individual organization, our clients all fundamentally use RepRisk in a similar way – to identify, assess, and monitor potential ESG and reputational risks related to their clients, business transactions, investments, or suppliers – that may then translate into compliance, reputational, or financial risks.

Today, RepRisk works with close to 150 of the world’s leading corporates and financial institutions. To learn more about how RepRisk clients use our data, check out the interview series available on our website, for example: Allianz, KKR, and First State Investments.

Q: Can you give us more insights into your solutions?

A: Essentially, what RepRisk does is systematically identify, analyze, and quantify ESG risks related to any company around the world (currently close to 70,000). The idea is to provide clients with timely, curated data to support their decision-making with respect to their clients, business transactions, suppliers, and investments. It’s really all about transparency – how can RepRisk provide information to reduce blind spots and shed light on risks that may, in turn, translate into reputational, compliance, or financial risks.

While we offer a suite of solutions, we are probably most known for our flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform – the most comprehensive database on ESG risks that our clients use as a due diligence, research, and monitoring tool.

One thing I would like to highlight is our RepRisk Webshop, where you can find RepRisk Company Reports for approximately 2,500 of the world’s largest and most-exposed companies. In celebration of RepRisk’s 10-year anniversary this year, Company Reports are available for a 50% discount for a limited time only.

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Q: What are your plans?

A: We have multiple projects in the pipeline but the most important is the new product we are launching this fall called the Director’s Brief – a quarterly peer benchmarking report focused on ESG and reputational risks. It was designed as a decision-making tool for executives and board members, as well as risk, sustainability, and communications professionals. Stay tuned for more soon!

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Q: What advantage does RepRisk have over its competitors?

A: There are several factors which differentiates RepRisk from other providers. One important factor is that our data covers 15 languages and is updated on a daily basis – in today’s fast-moving world, our clients need to rely on information that is dynamic and timely. Furthermore, due to our unique methodology, we are able to cover close to 70,000 listed and non-listed companies from around the world – while most other providers have data on 3-6,000, mostly publicly-traded, companies. We like to call it comprehensive, curated, and dynamic – and the transparency that we provide helps our clients make more informed decisions.

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