Below is our recent interview with Tim from CBDfx Marketing Team:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to CBDfx?
A: CBDfx is (in our humble opinion) the premier manufacturer of high-quality CBD products worldwide. We’ve been around since the very start of the CBD boom, and we haven’t just coasted on our initial popularity: we throw ourselves with full commitment into new product development and existing product refinement. In short, we won’t rest until we achieve the perfect CBD edibles, topicals, and vape products for our customers. Another huge point of pride for us is our commitment to ethical, organic hemp farming at our partner farms here in the United States. All of our CBD is extracted using clean CO2 methods that don’t leave any residual harsh chemicals. If you look at our product labels, you can instantly see our focus on using simple, pure ingredients — part of the CBDfx magic is what’s not in the bottle. Finally, we always offer batch lab reports conducted by an independent third party laboratory, as an extra layer of transparency and trust for our customers. We’re really proud of that, and we hope that it shows our desire not just to make one sale, but to keep customers for life.
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Q: Can you tell us something more about your products?
A: Unlike other companies who might slap together a couple of questionably-made CBD vape juices and call it a day, it’s a core part of the CBDfx philosophy to offer a diverse product offering. We’ve been first to market with some really innovative CBD products including a premium face serum called Rejuvediol, nourishing CBD face masks, CBD muscle balm, and more. Part of the fun and utility of CBD is being able to take it in the specific way that you want, and in the specific amount that you want. So, CBDfx is really interested in providing a lot of choices for our customers, whether they’re experienced CBD users or only just getting into cannabidiol for the first time.
Q: What is CBD? How does it work?
A: CBD is one of the compounds naturally occurring within the cannabis (hemp) plant; unlike its cousin molecule THC, CBD does not make you feel ‘high’ or intoxicated. However, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have an effect on the user – quite the contrary. We’re still learning more about how CBD works every day, as dozens of medical and scientific studies are being conducted on its potential effects on the body and mind. Part of the reason why word of mouth about CBD has spread faster than peer-reviewed research has to do with hemp’s prohibition pre-2018. However, with the Farm Bill of 2018 passing, hemp is finally being deregulated and can be widely studied and used. Already, the FDA approved CBD as a treatment for certain severe forms of epilepsy, and we truly expect to see more breakthroughs like that as time goes by.
Q: What are some of the specific use cases or scenarios you can share on how consumers can leverage your products?
A: Because we offer such a wide variety of products, the anecdotal reports from our customers are varied and exciting! Some of our personal favorite customer stories include a man in his 80s who found relief from our CBD Hemp Cream on his arthritic hands; a young woman who vapes our CBD e-liquid daily to cope with her otherwise crippling anxiety; and especially the story of a father whose epileptic child had a positive response to our CBD gummies, when other brands didn’t seem to work for them. That last one provokes a seriously emotional response in our staff, and we keep their story in mind every day as we work hard to put CBD out into the world.
Q: I read something about your partnership with Urban Outfitters; could you tell us something more?
A: We’re so excited to announce that Urban Outfitters has hand-selected our CBD Face Mask line for their retail stores nationwide! We offer five different nourishing CBD Face Masks: Lavender, Cucumber, Aloe Vera, Charcoal, and Rose. Each mask has 20mg of CBD, and is blended with extremely high quality active botanical extracts and essential oils. Using these masks will hydrate, balance, and brighten the skin within ten minutes. Each face mask retails for $6.99, making it an easy way to treat yourself to a quick skincare fix when you need one.
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Q: What can we expect from CBDfx in the future?
A: The sky is the limit at CBDfx as we are inspired by our customers’ loyalty to keep delivering the quality they expect while continuing to innovate new and exciting products. We can’t say too much about what we have in the pipeline, but new products will be launching regularly on, so keep an eye out! We plan on continuing to set the pace for the CBD industry at large, and show the world that an honest commitment to product quality and transparency is the best way to succeed in this market.
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