Appticles is an online platform suited for content creators based around the concept of Open Web and HTML5. Appticles enables small and medium publishers to effortlessly reach mobile audience by packaging their existing content into cross-platform mobile web apps. Here is our interview with Ciprian Borodescu, CEO of Appticles:
Q: What are the biggest benefits of using Appticles?
A: helps bloggers, publishers and other content creators to pack their existing content (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Vimeo, Youtube or any other 3rd party content provider) into cross-platform mobile and tablet web applications.
A precedent was created in June 2011 when Financial Times launched their HTML5 browser-based application, proving the entire publishing industry that it is possible to succeed outside App Stores. They were followed by NY Times, Amazon with their Kindle Cloud Reader, Atlantic Wire and others. Today we’re seeing more and more development taking place around HTML5 including, FirefoxOS from Mozilla, backed by Telefonica.
We believe the Mobile Web is shifting into a new and exciting environment where everything is an app instead of a site, where user interactions are more important than just page views and finally, ultimately, where all apps are interlinked into a Web of apps.
Appticles enables publishers to go beyond responsiveness and engage their mobile readership by facilitating the distribution and monetization of their browser-based applications like never before.
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Q: What was crucial for Appticles success?
A: Contributing to WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0+ was definitely a great privilege for us because it allowed us to learn how various type of bloggers are using the plugin, how we can improve the free version and what other options/features to integrate into the premium one.
We’re happy to report that WP Mobile Pack has grown to over 650,000 downloads, that translates into a highly vibrant user base, constantly providing valuable feedback and constructive criticism. We love them!
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Q: What was technically the most challenging part of developing it?
A: HTML5 is definitely a challenge because even though we’ve been hearing about it for quite some time, there are still things that need careful consideration. One example is offline mode support which gave us a bit of a struggle since there have been many client-side storage mechanisms implementations over the years, from Cookies to Web SQL Database, Web Storage, IndexedDB or FileAPI.
Another challenging part was handling responsive images. I should mention the amazing work that has been done by the Responsive Images Community Group towards a client-side solution for delivering alternate image data based on device.
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Q: How big is your team at the moment?
A: I’m proud to be surrounded by a highly talented team of HTML5 lovers that is continuously fighting the challenges that HTML5 has to throw at us. We’re always on the lookout for passionate coders to join our team and build amazing HTML5 products, so even if now we’re only 5, we’re growing fast and hope to double that number by mid 2015.
Q: How are you funded?
A: We’re one of the very first teams selected for Startupbootcamp business accelerator that took place in Europe (Copenhagen/Denmark). At the beginning of 2014 we’ve raised €100,000 from Launchub (a seed fund supporting the most promising digital startups in Southeastern Europe) which we’ve used for developing the product, acquiring our initial users/customers and identifying scalable growth engines for our platform.
We’re now looking to raise a new seed round to expand the team, grow the business model we’ve identified and optimize our SaaS metrics towards the relevant KPIs that will qualify us for a Series A within the next 12 – 18 months.
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Q: What is next for you and your team?
A: Somebody once asked me: Is your product finished? I have to say that being a biz-tech in between guy, I had a bit of a struggle to answer that question, but the technical DNA surfaced and I answered: “We have a grand vision, to change the face of the Mobile Web as we know it. We’ll probably be busy for quite some time still.”
In other words, we’re just scratching the surface through different product iterations, but every time we’re getting closer and closer to our goal. We want to become the #1 place for content creators to “appify” their content and this is our grand journey.
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