Below is our recent interview with Martin Rowinski, CEO & Co-Founder at Boardsi:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Boardsi provides executives with exclusive board of director and board of advisor positions, and connects companies with top talent. We use advanced technology with a mix of human connection to help revolutionize businesses and grow careers across the globe and across all industries.
Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: Our process is simple. We strive to be a solution for all executives and all businesses no matter the size or niche. Once clients create an account on our platform, we immediately hit the ground running working to customize their profile and get it in front of the right people. Our customer success managers play an important role in working directly with executives and our custom AI matching technology seamlessly makes the connection between executives and companies. Our goal is always to find positions that are the perfect fit for executives and for the company.
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Q: What can we expect from your company in the next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: We are currently in the final stages of testing a new version of our platform that is slated to release to our members in the next month. It is something our development team has been working on for almost a year and we’re thrilled to release it. The new version of our platform will introduce new and advanced AI technology on the frontend. This technology has been used on the backend of our platform, but now customers will be able to use it, which will enhance their experience and make the platform more user-friendly. There are a ton of new features included in the new platform that are going to be game changers for customers. Stay tuned for more!
Q: We heard you are releasing a book this year. Can you tell us more?
A: My new book, The Corporate Matchmaker: Creating A Robust Board Room in addition to a corresponding journal will be released this August. I wrote this book to share some of my personal experiences and strategies that have helped me excel in my career. It also dives deep into why every company needs to have a diverse board of directors or board of advisors. Executives across all industries and professions need this book to help guide them through important career steps. The book will be available for purchase at Walmart, Barnes & Noble and on Amazon this August.
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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: We are big believers in diversity and work hard to support organizations that provide equal opportunities for women. We recently became a sponsor of two premier women’s soccer teams: The California Storm and The San Francisco Nighthawks. Our goal is to help both teams offset costs and provide them with leadership opportunities on and off the field.
Another thing people may not know is that we measure our success based on the success of the companies and executives we work with. When we fill board seats and place executives, that’s a win for us. It’s truly rewarding being able to play a part in the success of a company and executive.
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