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BookMundi Makes Trips And Experiences Around The World Accessible To All

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Booking platform BookMundi helps you find and book trips, experiences and adventures around the world without the hassle. BookMundi also features a number of skip-the-line-tickets for some of the most famous attractions around the world. By booking a skip-the-line ticket on BookMundi you will simply jump the queue and enter the attraction immediately upon arrival. Here is our recent interview with Rasmus Juul-Olsen, CEO of BookMundi:

Rasmus Juul-Olsen

Q: For those who have never heard of it, how would you describe BookMundi?

A: is exactly what is for hotels, just for tours and holiday packages around the world. If you’re going on a vacation to Rome you can quickly enter and search for Rome. You will then be presented with a list of the top tours and things to do in Rome. Hereafter you can easily book and reserve your favorite tours and tickets. Thus, rather than wasting very valuable time at your holiday destination, you can now do this from your comfy couch at home, even knowing that you got the best price, as all tours are guaranteed by a Best Price Guarantee!

Q: What’s the coolest use of Bookmundi you’ve seen?

A: We’ve seen many customers booking a tour a mere 1-2 hours prior to starting the very same tour, simply to reserve their seats ahead in time. Personally, I think this is another great way to use the site. Why risk that your favourite tour was sold-out upon arrival?

Bookmundi also features a number of Skip-the-line-tickets to some of the most famous attractions around the world, such as Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Burj Khalifa in Dubai etc. Normally these attractions have waiting queues of 2-3 hours. By booking a skip-the-line ticket on Bookmundi you will simply jump the queue and enter the attraction immediately upon arrival.

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Q: You’ve recently announced the launch of an integrated real-time chat, tell us something more?

A: Finding a great tour online may give rise to certain questions prior to actually booking the tour, especially as you’re not buying a physical asset, but a service rendered by a local tour operator. We’ve therefore implemented a real-time chat which also allows customers to get customized travel offers via the chat. Instead of going to different tour operators’ websites you can now, from one single-point-of-entry, engage directly with local tour providers around the world, including requesting tailor-made travel offers. This allows for a much more dynamic, immersive and comfortable booking experience.

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Q: What are your plans for the next four months?

A: Our real-time chat and receive offers feature was the first innovation of a series of disruptive releases that we are making during the next four months. We believe in a new way of making online travel bookings, and we are looking very much forward to showing this to our fellow travelers and customers.

We’ve also just partnered up with both Urban Adventures and Intrepid Travel, two of the world’s largest travel providers. We therefore look forward to shortly presenting our customers with a much wider selection of tours and holiday packages around the world.

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Q: How would you convince the reader to start using

A: A world-wide selection of top tours and things to do around the world. Best Price Guarantee on all tours. Skip-the-line tickets top top attractions. Real-time chat allowing for travel offers suiting exactly your travel needs. Comfy booking from your couch at home. Honestly speaking, what more can you ask for? Try it out just once, then I think you’re hooked!

If you’re not already hooked, stay tuned for our next innovative release already here in February!

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