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BRiN Helps Business Owners And Entrepreneurs With Their Education Needs

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Dale Beaumont is the founder of BRiN. Dale is an award-winning technology entrepreneur, international speaker and author of 16 best-selling books. Dale started his first business at age 19 and has been building companies ever since. One of those companies is now a multi-million dollar enterprise, which has enabled Dale to become an investor, philanthropist, and to step foot in 70 countries. Dale has been featured in Forbes Magazine, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Gizmodo and GQ, to name a few. With a passion to give back, Dale¹s goal is to help more than one million entrepreneurs around the world with BRiN, the world¹s first business advisor powered by artificial intelligence. Available for free as a smart-phone app, BRiN is now capable of providing personalized education and human-like support to every entrepreneur on the planet, all at the same time. Below is our interview with Dale:


Q: BRiN is the world’s first business advisor in our pocket, could you explain how it works?

A: BRiN is a smart-phone App that’s capable of providing personalized education and human-like support to every entrepreneur on the planet, all at the same time.

We have just released phase one of our product, which is our content library. Within the App you’ll find 700 TV-quality business education videos and in the next six months that number will exceed 1,000.

Features include the ability to create your own personal learning program, switch back and forth between audio and video, and tap to speed up the pace you learn.

In early 2017 we will release our AI-powered business advisor, where you’ll be able to talk to BRiN and she’ll know the answer to more than 10,000 business questions.

Up next we’ll connect BRiN through API to other SaaS applications like Salesforce, MailChimp, QuickBooks, Google Analytics and others. When connected, you can use your voice to ask BRiN specific questions about your numbers.

You can ask; how many leads you have in your pipeline? what is the conversion rate of your website? Even, how much you spent on electricity in the month of July?

Finally, one day BRiN will even help you book flights, disperse payroll, and order stationary. And it can all be done hands-free while driving to the office.

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Q: What’s BRiN’s startup story? How did BRiN start?

A: Over the last 10 years I’ve been working in the business advisory space and have personally trained over 50,000 people to achieve greater levels of personal and business success. While I am proud of these accomplishments, I always dreamed of doing more.

Then in 2014, while on vacation in Vietnam, I had an experience that changed my life forever.

I was chatting to a local shop owner who said he was struggling to grow his business. I helped as much as I could but felt sad when I had to say goodbye.

After returning home I discovered that there are over 500 million small to medium business owners (SMBs) on the planet. And sadly over 50 million businesses (1 in 10) fail each year.

Given the scale of the problem I realized conventional thinking and existing methods based on one-to-one coaching, meet-ups or even live events weren’t enough to solve this problem.

That’s when I turned to technology and started building BRiN – The World’s First Artificially Intelligent Business Advisor.

Q: Does BRiN have anything to do with Google’s Co-Founder Sergey Brin?

A: No the link is purely coincidence and in fact we only realized the connection after the name stuck.

Basically following in the footsteps of Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and IMB’s Watson, we wanted a human name to make our product more personal.

This is in line with our vision to build a product that business owners will use everyday, until it becomes an indispensable part of their team.

We wanted the name to be feminine (yet strong), short, easy to spell, and available. Plus, because we are a product for business it had to start with the letter B.

So quite simply we Googled “Four letter girls names starting with B.” That’s when we found BRiN and it fit perfectly.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your software?

A: Right now our product uses computer logic (or simulated AI) to chat to you about your business. However, in early 2017 we will be releasing a more sophisticated AI with a voice-powered user interface.

To get there we have build a domain-specific keyword model, which understands the intent of hundreds of business terms. Then we have to build a question classifier, which uses machine learning to understand thousands of business questions and then matches them to the right answer.

We are doing this because while Chatbots are the flavor of the month right now, we believe that 2017-2018 will be the year the spotlight turns to digital assistants.

It started with the release of Amazon’s Alexa, which was followed by Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he was building a voice-powered assistant that he described as a ‘Jervis for the home.’ Then Google entered the race with Google Home.

Once these devices hit a tipping point, I believe there will be a race between the biggest tech companies in the world to offer the best range of domain specific services within their hardware.

So our goal is to be ready when that happens and to offer a suite of AI services to address the needs of business owners globally.

Q: What is priority #1 of the business?

A: Right now our focus is very simple; we want to build a product that business owners will love and want to use every day.

To start we have put a big focus on helping business owners and entrepreneurs with their education needs.

This has involved building a TV studio and a dedicated post-production facility. Once build we partnered with over 250 business trainers from around the world to captured their teaching and advice.

So now we have over 500 hours of TV-quality business education videos. Topics include: Business Planning, Product Development, Branding & Design, Marketing & Advertising, Selling Skills, Website Building, Social Media, People Management, Leadership, Personal Productivity, Finance & Cash flow, Legal Matters, Going Global and much more.

With our content library in place and continuing to grow, our focus as a company is now firmly on software. Currently we are programming thousands of business conversations and we are using machine learning to pair business questions with the most accurate replies.

Finally, like with any business, you wear multiple hats. So getting more users and keeping those users happy continues to motivate us everyday.

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Q: How would you convince the reader to start using BRiN?

A: Well to start, right now BRiN is 100% free. So that’s a great reason to give it a try. It’s available on all Apple and Android devices. All you need to do is go to our website and from there you will find direct links to the download pages.

Once downloaded to your device, you’ll find over 700 TV-quality business education videos, which cover virtually every area of business.

Once you’ve found something you can click play to watch immediately or better still you can add the content to your “Playlist”. Your “Playlist” then becomes your own highly personalized learning program and you have full control to edit and reorder your list anytime you like.

Next, our early user testing showed that while people love our videos, rarely do business owners have surplus time to sit at their computer and learn. However the average person spends an hour a day commuting to the office and another hour walking the dogs, going to the gym, or standing in line at the airport. That’s when we said, “Imagine if users didn’t have to choose between Video and Audio. What if they could access both?”

So our team developed a clever piece of tech we call ‘LearnSwitch.’ With it you can seamlessly shift back and forth between Video and Audio anytime you like. Plus, when you stop watching any piece of content our software remembers your place. So if you come back one week later, you can pick up exactly where you left off.

Other features include the ability for each user to choose their streaming quality and the ability to speed up our content so you can watch or listen at 2x, 3x or 4x speed.

All these features and a whole lot more are ready to use right now for free. All we ask is that you leave us a happy review in the App store.

Check out the BRiN App and be on the lookout for more exciting developments coming soon!

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