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Change Agent, Vertic Helps Brands Build Meaningful And Long Lasting Relationships

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Digital marketing has advanced over the years and it’s becoming very hard for brands to get noticed and stay noticed. Luckily, Vertic, has an award-winning solution called Entangled Marketing, a framework for customer “entanglement” with a brand. This innovative business model starts with a brand’s website and digital image transformation. To find out more about Entangled Marketing and Vertic’s unique solutions we sat down with Sebastian Jespersen, Founder & CEO at Vertic:


Q: Sebastian, could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Vertic?

A: Vertic is a change agent, a global digital agency, an innovation farm and our clients’ best friend. Our clients are primarily F500 companies within the industrial, technology and healthcare sectors – brands such as GE, Microsoft, SAP, PayPal, Eli Lilly, GSK among others. At the core of Vertic is a fundamental new view of the relationship between brand and consumer, a new business model we call “Entangled Marketing”. Co-authored with direct marketing legend Stan Rapp, this new business model explains how and why brands need to move beyond engagement to survive in a “digital first world”.

Q: What differentiates Vertic and your work from other players in the industry?

A: At Vertic, we are strong believers that leveraging digital platforms as a growth enabler for our customers’ businesses, can only be achieved when a brand truly entangles with its customers. This business model of Entangled Marketing is based on the objective of developing long lasting relationships between brands and customers.

In a world where 74% of consumers don’t care if the majority of brands disappear tomorrow (Marketing Interactive), and where we spent more than half of our awaking life online, something more is needed. We don’t go online – we live online. We don’t just engage with brands – we live with them. Given that consumers are already living online, the moment they start to truly trust brands and in return these brands start to enrich the moments that consumers care about – that’s when they will start to entangle.

And this Entanglement leads to a “Share of Life”. Some examples of brands that have achieved it include Facebook, Under Amour and Amazon. These brands have found a way to be entangle every day by millions across the world. What sets Vertic apart is that we have created a “framework” that provides answers to how brands can create meaningful and long lasting relationships in a digital first world- this is Entangled Marketing. We are applying this framework with the world’s largest B2B brands, such as the creation of, and and many other similar projects with leading brands.

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Q: Who are the primary users of Vertic solutions and what do those solutions entail?

A: Our primary customers are c-suite marketing executives who share similar end-goal challenges: either driving demand generation and sales through marketing digital platforms, or looking for impactful ways to communicate and elevate the brand story to resonate with their audience, or seeking to acquire a deeper understanding of their customers and leveraging those insights to grow their business longerterm.

We help our clients in their digital transformation amidst a rapidly changing digital landscape and market demand. Our primary objective is to create a transformative digital ecosystem that will create tangible business impact across all marketing touch points. This starts with a company’s corporate website, a brand’s most valuable digital asset. We see the corporate website and the .com experience undergoing massive change, as a company’s .com now serves as the brand’s spine. All the related marketing and communications activities connect there as part of what should be a holistic branded customer experience. Vertic emphasizes never forgetting to put customer needs first—which now means incorporating a higher level of data insights and user empowerment into a site’s architecture. The goal is to impact each phase of the visitor’s decision journey and shorten the sales cycle.

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Q: We know you have recently launched, can you tell us a little more on that?

A: has simply changed the game within the area of B2B corporate websites. GE is transitioning its brand from an industrial company into a technology company, and needed a .com that would best communicate their story while creating a gateway for their stakeholders to get to the right content as quickly and effectively as possible. What differentiates is the intelligence layer behind the mechanics, through use of intelligent search powered by AI and machine learning. In a digital-first age, the new paradigm is moving away from traditional navigation and menus, but rather feature a prominent and extremely smart search bar that is asking and inciting the user “How can I help you today?” Through animated phrases, the .com predicts the user’s intent and correlating phase of their information journey. The results are subsequently shown as contextualized content recommendations rather than the conventional search results text list, in order to create the branded story and context of the user’s information journey. The objective of this contextualized boxed information is to efficiently and effectively incite users to the next phase of the journey, predicting what they will need to learn about next. Through this strategy, we moved away from a linear site map where the users find themselves at a dead end with no new/ relevant information, instead adopting a circular one where there is constant serving of new and relevant information, in a similar experience to Amazon.

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Q: What can we expect from Vertic in the next four months?

A: The technology trend for 2017 is focused on AI and Machine Learning, however Vertic has always emphasized that technology by itself does not support business objectives, but it is “how” we leverage that technology and the strategy put in place for it that brings tangible results. So, in the coming few months, Vertic will be launching several new. COMs for global B2B brands (e.g.: SAP Ariba, CSL and more), where we utilize technology trends to create personalized and intelligent experiences for our clients and their customers.

Q: What is Vertic’s mission?

A: Vertic’s mission is to make marketing relevant again.

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