CircleRock is a new Made In USA menswear company headquartered in Minnesota. Below is our recent interview with Ross Widmoyer, COO at CircleRock:
Q: For those who haven’t heard of it, what is the best way to describe CircleRock?
A: With less than 3% of clothing Made in the USA, CircleRock is changing the way men build their wardrobes. And in addition, CircleRock is commited to helping men build their character with their families, their communities and at work through dedicated digital content from industry leaders/experts.
Q: You’ve recently opened a brand new retail store experience in the Linden Hills neighborhood of Southwest Minneapolis; could you tell us something more?
A: The new retail experience combines great shopping with fun events and personalized experiences. We offer free style consultations, an open bar (with accompanying beer garden), and an on-site tailor to customize to your look.
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Q: What types of products do you provide to your customers?
A: We provide dress shirts, casual shirts, vests, sport coats, suits, jeans, slacks, outerwear, belts and other leather goods and more. All our clothing is Made in USA and is fully-customizable at no charge to the customer.
Q: What makes your products unique?
A: Being Made in USA is just one of our many differentiators. We also produce the highest quality clothing with luxury fabrics and a manufacturing process that is second-to-none. Where others glue their clothes together, we stitch. Where others use fabrics that rip and fade over time, we use brilliantly woven fabrics that will last a lifetime. Our products are similar quality to clothing items that are 2-3x more expensive, because we strip out the middle man and go directly to the consumer.
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Q: What we can look forward to seeing from CircleRock next?
A: We are looking to build more retail experiences around the country in key locations over the next couple years. In addition, you can expect to continue to see the industry’s most innovative products that you can’t find anywhere else.
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