Startup project is content management built for developers. It helps developers to add CMS functionality to web applications by including a single script. Here is recent interview with David Wippel co-founder of triGo company behind project.
Q: What is
A: Most app developers sooner or later have to face the question whether they should build an app around a Content Management System like Drupal, Typo3 etc. or they should re-implement basic content editing functionality in their code base.
If they choose to build their product around a CMS, they have to stay within the bounds and possibilities of these 3rd party systems. Creating themes for a legacy CMS is almost always a pain and developers are severely limited in what they can do with their app. Traditional CMS’ are bloated, slow, do not provide nice APIs and all in all do not make happy developers.
Taking the other route – which is way more compelling for real developers ;-) may look easy at first, but content management and editing is not the simplest thing to do and sooner or later, users want to have advanced features, like drafts, content versioning, WYSIWYG editing, and much more. This will inevitably lead to overrun budgets, blown up timelines and frustrated users and developers.
That’s where comes in. We provide Content Management-as-a-service which can easily be integrated into all kinds of apps.
We do not primarily address the corporate developer who tries to build an internal project management portal. Our focus are developers who love their craft, have a passion for new technologies and want to build their applications using the latest and greatest tools – without being constrained or distracted.
Content Management and Editing should be a given, an add-on, a ready-to-use-thing – not yet another requirement or chains that hold you back. is for content management what is for databases, what is for real time web apps, what is for payment, what NewRelic is for application monitoring, what is for user feedback systems, what Disqus is for commenting – a new breed of tools in the SaaS era.
Q: How would you present team behind Where are you based?
A: The three co-founders of are Markus Dulghier and Christian Hubinger and me David Wippel. We work together since 2008 and are currently based in Vienna, Austria.
All of us are web developers and enthusiasts. David is focusing on the marketing stuff, Markus is working hard on the DevOps side and the product vision and Christian gets his hands dirty while digging through all the frontend and backend code.
Q: What was technically the most challenging part of developing
A: We use a pretty neat tech stack comprising of Node.js, MongoDB, AngularJS and more. Finding the best place to run was a bit of hurdle race. First we tried to use several different Platform-as-a-Service providers because we were allured by the ease of use. Unfortunately none of these services could give us the performance and flexibility we needed. So we finally decided to go with Joyent’s Compute Cloud where we run on bare SmartOS. There we have all the tools needed for operating a large-scale Node.js application and could set up a geo-redundant deployment so our users have minimal response times and maximum performance all over the globe.
Another interesting challenge was the design and implementation of our unique single sign on feature. A first class requirement from the beginning was to be able to use contentpool everywhere – on every platform and with every framework. So we had to design a security infrastructure which could be used from applications built with ASP.NET, Node.js/ExpressJS, PHP and even HTML-only static websites without any server-side backend.
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