DoggieLawn is a convenient, real grass subscription service that delivers an eco friendly alternative to plastic potty pads right to your door. DoggieLawn was created as a simple and convenient solution to minimize all the issues like cleaning, washing, constantly replacing pads, etc. Below is our interview with Zack Norman from Doggie Lawn:
Q: What is DoggieLawn and how it works?
A: DoggieLawn is a complete potty solution for pet families who need a neat and convenient place for their dogs to do their business while the owners are away. It works because dogs instinctually know to “go” on grass. It’s natural smells encourage their pup to go. It’s really as simple as that. Remember potty pads are essentially plastic so dogs have an extra burden of training required to get them comfortable “going” on what to them smells very similar to the carpet. Plastic turf potties have the same issues.
It also works better for the owners. Potty pads and plastic turf require a ton of work! Potty pads need to be changed out multiple times a day and plastic turf begins to stink like crazy and needs to be pressure washed regularly (most people just throw them out and they’re expensive!).
DoggieLawn needs none of that. You use it for a few weeks and then a new one comes in the mail. You just pick up solids like on a walk. The pee all gets absorbed by the grass’ roots and the natural safe bacteria breaks down the odors.
We even include a pair of gloves in each shipment to make it super easy. It’s a better solution that’s easier on you and your dog. Stop making fido hold it when a doggieLawn is right here –> DoggieLawn ;)
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Q: What is your startup story?
A: My wife and I were remodeling our house a few years ago and had moved into an apartment. We knew our dog’s bathroom habits would need to change. I went to the local home depot and got grass and made a custom box out of wood and we trained our dogs to go on the balcony. They LOVED going on the grass. My wife and I are both entrepreneurs. She said lets build a business selling grass as a service and I said lets build a web site and sell it to the world. So we did (on a national scale though).
The grass-in-a-wood-box model had issues that needed to be overcome. It was messy and heavy and the pee yellows the grass. We built DoggieLawn as a subscription service to fix these issues. Our tray is safe to use indoors and we remove the burden of lugging naked sod rolls around the house.
Q: What was the most challenging part of developing the company?
A: Grass is HARD to manage. It’s perishable. In a way, we are like a florist. The biggest challenge is educating the customer why it works. We needed to change the conversation about grass. Users who expect it to be green like a lawn for weeks on end are missing the point. The pee will eventually burn the grass after a few weeks just like when a dog pees on your yard but then a new one is there to replace it. It works like a charm!
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Q: Could you tell us more about your pricing plans?
A: We have a medium sized box that’s 20 inches x 24 inches and that size is larger than any competition at the same price. Plans start at $24 a delivery. If you need a bigger piece we have a 2 foot x 4 foot piece that starts at $30 per delivery. Plans can be weekly. bi-weekly, tri-weekly or monthly. We’re flexible! Remember potty pads can cost up to 50 bucks a month, and up to 7 hours of maintenance per month. Plastic turf costs hundreds and you might end up throwing it away after a few months because it stinks.
Q: Does DoggieLawn have plans to introduce other products or sizes?
A: We are always listening to our customers and providing new solutions – we have even recently opened up a new product line called Bark Potty. Bark Potty mainly solves the perishability issues of real grass and opens up retail opportunities where grass does not work. Check it out.
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Q: What are some features DoggieLawn offers that some people may not know about?
A: Well, as I said the natural and safe bacteria that lives in the roots breaks down odors. And I personally love it when our customers sometimes remark about the grass yellowing after a few weeks of use because I get to ask “Is your dog still loving it?”. They invariably say “Yes.” So I get to say “See? It works like a charm!” And let me be clear our grass comes lush and green and lasts for weeks of use with proper care.
Q: How would you convince the reader to start using DoggieLawn?
A: Try it. It’s the same price or less than other alternatives, and remember in our busy lives we rarely find a economic way to truly put the needs of our pets first. Get DoggieLawn for your dog or pack and they will LOVE it. You’ll love the peace of mind and the flexibility it offers you too.
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