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Exprtise – Online Community Of Trusted Experts In The Marketing Field

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Exprtise is an invitation-only community of trusted experts in the marketing communications field. Interview below is with David Paine Co-founder of Exprtise:


Q: How would you describe the three biggest benefits of using Exprtise?

A: Our goal is to make Exprtise the definitive resource for finding marketing communications professionals who are trusted by fellow colleagues in the field.

Exprtise makes it easy for members to share online with their colleagues the experts they trust the most for specific services and talents.

Exprtise, in effect, brings the entire word of mouth referral process online, making visible, usable and shareable the networks of trusted experts we all possess in business but which are largely private, invisible and inaccessible even to our most trusted colleagues. With Exprtise these normally private networks of experts are now shared among groups of trusted colleagues who can access them quickly to find trusted talent, make introductions, or refer other opportunities.


Q: What inspired you to start working on Exprtise?

A: The business community spends hundreds of millions each year searching for talent, much of it wasted on job boards, traditional media, and even social media outlets that overwhelmingly generate lower quality applicants. I experienced that first-hand as founder and CEO of a successful national public relations firm (which I sold in 2008). Referrals from trusted colleagues are the most effective and least costly source of finding quality talent today. More than 40 percent of all hires come from referrals, despite the fact that referrals represent just seven percent of applicants. But the process of getting referrals remains largely offline, slow and archaic.

Q: How big your team is at the moment?

A: We have a super-smart start-up team of five.

Q: How are you funded?

A: Our co-founders have funded the launch, testing and continued development of our MVP. We are now seeking seed capital to support the continued iteration of our product.

Q: Do you have any new features in the pipeline? What are your plans for the future?

A: Our objective is to build a product that is indispensable to professionals in the marketing communications field. We will continue to add and refine features that to make it easier for our members to share and find colleagues they trust, and to help them market their expertise and services to others in the field. Down the road we may explore other fields beyond marketing communications.

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