Feedsme is a real time feed of updates from various cloud based web services. From Amazon to Google Analytics, Salesforce or Mailchimp, Feedsme provides you a constant feed of alerts and events from all your cloud based services. Eleanor Kalina and Gilad Even are Founders of Feedsme startup. Here is our recent interview with Eleanor:
Q: Why did you choose this idea and concept to build your start-up based on?
A: The idea came from Gilad, who felt that during his work as a serial entrepreneur didn’t have any tool to be updated about the systems he chose to be updated by. I felt the same distress as an entrepreneur and adviser to startups, knowing that you can work effectively towards a launch, but then once something happens and the chances of knowing about it right away, are slim to none.
Q: How would you present team behind Feedsme?
A: Gilad Even is an experienced CEO and he served on C-level positions in various successful startups, and I’m serial entrepreneur and business development adviser. We are both from Tel Aviv, Israel.
Q: Are you looking for partnership opportunities or VC funding?
A: We’re currently focused on the product, we’re self funded completely.
Q: Do you have any new features in the pipeline? What are your plans?
A: We have launched our private beta, and we are planing many exciting new features, mostly focusing on: making Feedsme the easiest, simplest and most friendly experience for the non tech oriented user. Essentially for us is standardizing BI for small businesses, and making each ‘bite’ of information a sharable and actionable task between team members.
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