HG Data has built the world’s largest database of B2B technology customer intelligence, tracking more than a million businesses and the specific software and hardware products they are using. HG Data raised $ 6.3 Million in venture funding from investors including EPIC Ventures and Rincon Venture Partners. Below is our interview with Mark Godley from HG Data:
Q: Tell us something more about HG Data and your history?
A: HG Data offers a tiered suite of products, tailored to meet the specific uses of our clients, providing detailed information when and where they need it. Marketers use HG Data for market analysis and segmentation, to target and track their highest value opportunities and for client retention initiatives; sales departments turn to HG Data for account-based targeting, competitive displacement and insightful sales playbooks; and analytics groups find HG Data invaluable for trending, models and predictive analyses that fuel the sales and marketing efforts.
Fun History fact: HG Data’s roots go back to 2006 when CEO, Craig Harris, not long after his time spent in the Peace Corps, created a data intelligence platform for the non-profit industry. Several years and a core team of data scientists later, that company, NOZA, was acquired by Blackbaud in 2010. That series of events set the stage for the building of a more comprehensive and complex market intelligence platform, now known as HG Data.
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Q: What is your core competence?
A: Creating structured datasets from disparate source files.
Q: What advantage does HG Data have over its competitors?
A: HG Data is enjoying a bit of first mover advantage. At this point we see most data companies doing one of three things: 1.) providing high value data sets; 2.) mapping or integrating various data types or sources; 3.) analyzing and extracting business insight from data. HG combines all three of these very different and complex aspects – data acquisition, shaping and insight delivery, which HG optimizes for specific high value business cases.
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Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: Up to this point, HG has focused on partnering with the largest most sophisticated tech companies in an effort to understand the applicability of our data to a number of functional units. The next 12 months is focused on productizing that learning to allow mid-size companies to apply the same approaches to their outreach efforts. In parallel, due to broader market appeal and request, HG is now moving into the health care vertical, and has future plans for financial services and industrial market intelligence.
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