HotelsByDay offers guests flexibility in hotel bookings by offering hotel day-stays. A day stay is a block of hours ranging mostly between 9am to 5pm, and can simply be used as a short stay for the day, so that guests can relax, nap, work in privacy, or meet in privacy, for a few hours. Their offering can also be combined with night stays, so that guests can use their day rooms as a mechanism to check-in early, or check-out late.
Below is our interview with Yannis Moati, Co-founder & CEO of HotelsByDay:
Q: How would you convince someone to use your platform for booking?
A: Convince? you possibly mean ‘suggest’ … We put forward the idea that day-guests can indulge at an elegant hotel for a few hours during the day at a discount from night rates. The concept sells itself, as everyone at some point in their lives wishes to take a break from the hectic pace of life and be pampered, without having to break the bank for it.
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Q: What’s the biggest challenge for HotelsByDay?
A: Antiquated hotel technology & protocols. As well as a strong resistance to change within the hospitality industry.
Q: What geographic markets are you focusing on currently?
A: Since our launch in early 2015, we’ve been focused primarily in the domestic USA market. It’s the biggest prize in terms of size & breadth, as well as possibly one of the most challenging, considering the entrenched corporate structures. But yet, we’ve broken-through: we’re now profitable and extremely proud in achieving domestic leadership in the day-stay sector.
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Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: 3 Goals:
#1 – Improve: invest in tech so that hotel partners can better optimize revenues on their idle rooms
#2 – Expand: our UK presence is strengthening
#3 – Partner: close our first B2B partnerships