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IDenTV Provides Advanced Video Analytics Based On AI Capabilities Powered By Computer Vision, Speech Recognition And Textual Semantic Classifiers

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Below is our recent interview with Amro Shihadah, Co-Founder & COO at IDenTV:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to IDenTV?

A: IDenTV was founded as a family business alongside my father in 2013. We decided to create a company based on past success with Machine Learning and automated speech recognition and machine translation (speech to text/translation). We wanted to expand our capabilities by leveraging deep learning and AI for advanced real-time Video analytic engines. It was a natural progression, as well as an amazing opportunity to work on cutting edge technologies. We began to build a team, and in five years have grown the company to over 20 employees and capture revenue via building strong partnerships with companies like Oracle and AWS and more. We are very proud of what we’ve built and we know that the best is yet to come.

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Q: Can you tell us something more about your platform? How does it work?

A: Our platform can operate on premise, hybrid and in the cloud. Built API forward for advanced applications however with easy to use web interfaces for non-technical operators to be able to easily leverage, augment and customize our suite of AI engines. The system is buillt for scale capable of handling thousands of live streaming content and enriching it with advanced metadata for easy search and alerts engines to bring the most relevant data to the forefront to optimize workflows and transform big data into actionable and valuable insights, deep understanding and search. Working through gigantic proprietary trained models to recognize faces, brands/logos, nudity, activities, anomalies and more from videos, images and/or multilingual audio analysis. We have these datasets trained to process data in real time to capture all of the necessary analytics and present them in the most actionable formats. Lastly, we are preparing to release a completely custom module for non-technical users to build or add to our pre-existing library of models with the focus on an easy user experience.

Q: What are some of the specific use cases or scenarios you can share on how consumers can leverage IDenTV?

A: We have been able to partner with many different clients ranging from government to media. Our specialty is handling large scale audio and video and providing the means to create custom solutions for each of our clients, to meet their needs and ensure that they are maximizing our product capabilities to exceed pain-points and specific use-cases . A great example of how consumers can leverage IDenTV is in media and advertising. Often, brands spend millions on advertising, but it can be hard to measure exactly where those dollars are going, and if there’s a tangible ROI. IDenTV has the capability to monitor many brands and media outlets, and can help a company know if sponsorships and ad dollars are doing what they’re supposed to do. For example, say a company is sponsoring a Formula 500 Racecar. We can tell that company how long its logo was featured, when during the race (primetime, etc), and estimate how many people saw it. This allows companies to know if their investments are paying off. In security and defense we provide technologies to be proactive and prevent any loss of life and identify threats before they materialize whether it be threats to themselves in suicide prevention and/or threats to others via our robust AI engines that can identify and present anomolous situation via video and audio analysis.

Another great example of where we make a positive impact on people’s daily work is in providing workflow automations in illicit content moderation. Without introducing technology like ours into a completely manual workflow is extremely costly, creates emotional trauma and overworked individuals leading to errors and false negatives, instead of a this must be done by hand approach we can introduce workforce augmentation and empower the existing workforce to not just save time and money but create a positive impact in terms of the emotional and mental toll created by trying to police an endless growing stream of content. This essentially means that instead of thousands of people working around the close to filter through thousands of appropriate and inappropriate content and comments, which can be devastating and depressing to read all day. With our technology, this can be done mostly in an automated fashion and in the future full autonomously.

Q: Why is now the time for a technology solution like IDenTV?

A: We are positioned in a great place, because people are starting to truly understand what big data harnessing big video data and transform into video analytic and deep understanding and search can do for their companies and business units across industries without needing a PhD in data science. We help people cut through the tedious manual hours of sifting through streaming, batch or archival video analysis, and determine what is really important for their business bottom line.

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Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: We have some exciting new capabilities coming out. Our CTO Bob Milani is currently finishing a very exciting new product that can allow for enterprises to leverage our existing engines and easily within minutes gather, cleanse and add new faces, brands, logos, objects and more in minutes instead of weeks or months with heavy technical requirements. We can then on the fly recognize any face, brand, object and more we’re going to provide this via dockerized deployments that will auto scale to their workloads in the backend without bringing complexities of the technical aspects via our own unique platform by the close of 2019 fiscal year. This feature set for example will allow anyone to type a name, and leverage our existing data along with our own data lake we have created to extract clusters of the correct face pop up. It also works the reverse way, processing images and even videos to search match and cluster alike faces and index the new face into our models or into a new model in near real-time. This will only become more robust and accurate as more people use it, and I’m excited to see what it leads to.

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