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Integrate, Share And Leverage Your Modeling Assets With The TransWare Universal Model Translator BPM-X

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TransWare is the vendor of BPM-X® Cloud and Windows based software, unlocking the value of existing model assets. E.g. re-using business process models or blueprint documentation to automatically generate test case data, or to replace modeling tools at their end of lifecycle by modern, easy to use tools.

To learn more about TransWare, see our interview with Heinz-Jürgen Scherer below:

Heinz-Jürgen Scherer

Q: How you got inspired by this idea?

A: We started our business with TransWare in 1992 automatically translating of program code lines from older languages such as Pascal or Fortran to C and C++ with a technique called cross-compiling. We refurbished applications from older to newer languages and helped clients to change their target markets from Unix to the new Windows.

Over the time organizations spend huge consulting investments in business process documentation and Enterprise Architecture repositories mainly for documentation purposes. But tools are changing, integration in our networked global world is key and automation is required. This was the start with our main todays business of the universal model translator BPM-X®.

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Q: Who are your main customer and how they are challenged?

A: Well, there is a huge variety of business scenarios and customers we are working with. Let me describe some of them.

There a global consulting firms using our tools to generate from business blueprint project documentation captured in more complex and costly tools into Microsoft tools such as Visio®. Their customers get the project documentation not in a static Word or HTML documentation, they can navigate, explore and maintain the process documents in their standard modeling tool.

Another use-case are consulting firms offering testing services. But as consulting is tool agnostic, they use BPM-X® to link the customer tool landscape from requirements capturing to test execution with their favorite tools.
As well many organizations are in the move from SAP ERP to SAP HANA. They like to understand where they are finding the right way forward. For this we re-document SAP by extraction all key information such as use of SAP by the organization, customizing and the architecture and translate this into standard Enterprise Architecture frameworks such as Archimate®.

Another desired case is to leverage business process documentation to build process driven dashboards with mapped KPIs from data warehouses we build with data from backend systems.

Finally an often requested service is to integrate or migrate modeling tools to the Microsoft platform of Visio, SharePoint and SQL server.

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Q: Where do you see Cloud based business for your company’s future?

A: We already provide multi-tenant enabled BPM-X® Cloud software. It makes it a lot easier for customers to “consume” e.g. an one-off service to translate something like modeling tool A to B or to quickly generate test-cases in their target environment. The key technology behind is a custom mapping from A to B that requires some kind of interaction with the customer’s team to decide how a source concept (e.g. a human task object) is mapped to the target format. We are working on artificial intelligence concepts for machine learning analyzing the customer data to providing the customer ready proposals for the best fitting target designs.

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