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Interview With Steven Kronick: Musician, Designer, And The Original Founder Of Visual Targeting

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When Steven Kronick turned 21, he left his branding agency in Washington DC, and moved to California to launch a project he believed would help every person on earth. Less than 10 years later, his company VisualTargeting has become The New Industry Standard in Design, and is trusted by Fortune 500’s, Business Celebrities and Marketing Bestsellers, in 182 countries. Below is our interview with Steven:

Q: Steven, what prompted you to start VisualTargeting?

A: We needed a better way. Guessing wasn’t enough. Society is made up of people, and people have innate wants and needs, that in most cases even they do not know about themselves. The industry wasn’t delivering a way to satisfy those needs. Questionnaires were too verbal for a visual world, Expert Panels were driven by their own personal opinions, and Focus Groups along with AB Testing, were severely limited by the options they would present to the environment. The global industry was in dire need of a way to find out what people really wanted and needed, and VisualTargeting delivered a way to see inside the individual and population, much deeper than any other approach that existed.

Q: Why did you feel the desire to invest a decade of your youth and all of your personal resources into solving a problem that wasn’t your own?

A: I like creating things that don’t yet exist, that improve the way that we all exist. I like the idea of bringing something new to people: something they’ve never seen or heard about. Something that they can’t compare to something else. I love to show people that they can do what they dream and to easily live their dream life. VisualTargeting created a way to inspire people through every visual interaction they ever have in this world. It offered people a chance to feel more alive, to feel more loved, more connected, as if the outside world actually feels and understands them. It is my greatest gift to humanity so far, and it was an honor to spend all of my 20’s on delivering this answer to nearly every country on earth.


Q: Your company has served people in 182 countries, your discovery has even been taught at FiDM, and you were invited to become an official Ogilvy&Mather Partner when you were only 27. Why do you think the company became so successful, so rapidly?

A: In all honesty, I can’t take credit for any of that. We were lucky to have a few incredible people reach out to us early on, and without them our team would have never been able to contribute so extensively. One of them was Tony Robbins, our first client, who’s life is an incredible gift to the world. If he hadn’t reached out, I have no idea how far we would have gotten. Then Bruno Mascolo, the business and design mogul, and another true visionary genius, was kind enough to mentor me for several years and help us understand how to establish and manage a worldwide innovation. In terms of the Fashion Institute, Anthony DiLorenzo was an incredible man. His invitation to teach the approach to the institution’s leaders, and then to branding graduates at FiDM, was the only reason that door opened. Ogilvy is indeed the foremost design and advertising agency in the world, certainly one of the largest, and I’ve looked up to David Ogilvy since I was 16. However, without Rory Sutherland’s invitation, and Nicole Yershon’s support, who are both brilliant leaders, we would have never become Partner. Of course it helped that the innovation was something the world leaders were already asking for publicly and I’m still surprised that we were the only ones to step up to the plate, 10 years down the line.

Q: Do you have any other innovations that you plan to contribute to the world, or is VisualTargeting your only purpose?

A: Even since I was 15, I’ve always yearned to help the design of the world, and every person’s life experience. I have thought of more innovations and businesses than I can even remember at this point, and probably more than any person can ever achieve in one lifetime. So I’m always looking for partners who can take my ideas and run with them, so that we can actually contribute as much as possible together, in a mutually beneficial way that supports benevolent commerce and the betterment of the design of the entire world culture. Today it’s possible to start most businesses in about a day for about $100 if you really know what you’re doing. There is a global technology for every dream one might have, and it’s incredible just how powerfully any person can really contribute to society if they just have the right ideas and know how to share them through the right channels. The challenge run in to, even more so than money, is time. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, and many of us have so many more great ideas than we can ever figure out how to effectively contribute. That’s why the opportunity for collaboration is more important than ever before, and the days of hiding are over. The sooner you can get your idea out to the world, the better job you will do for helping the generations. It’s just a matter of deciding which idea is the right one at the time: what is the best contribution you can actually make today, to help improve society for the long term?

Q: You are a musician. What are you trying to say to the world with your songs and lyrics?

A: I’ve always felt called to inspire people of all generations, and I’ve been on stage since I was 4 years old. I believe that what we all need the most is to feel love, and the freedom to live and to love. Without music we can feel very empty as a society, and music can be very powerful and beneficial to the world when the message is right. Personally, it’s a healthy way for me to enjoy myself and decompress from the stress of expanding and maintaining a 24/7/365 international business, as well as contributing hope and a feeling of lighthearted love, to all people. It’s a great feeling that some people love the messages I share, and I hope that my songs will continue to inspire many more people for many generations to come.

Q: Aside from business and entertainment, what would you like your life and legacy to be all about?

A: In reality, it’s all about love. I’ve been a “hopeful romantic” since I was 5 or 6 years old, even in kindergarten. There is no better feeling than falling mutually in love, and those unforgettable times in our lives are incredibly rare gifts that we cannot cause or control. There is nothing better, and there is nothing worth more. Without love, nothing positive is possible. When we are in love, new energies wake up within us and around us, and we are often capable of seeing our wildest, most impossible dreams come true, while feeling truly satisfied and fulfilled at the same time. It’s all about helping the community become better and more loving, to help the entire world become a healthier, happier, more peaceful and loving place. We are all role models for both current and future generations, and we will all be used as an example one way or another. We have the option to choose the example we would like to set, and I have found nothing more positive than love.

* Visual Targeting® is a trademark of Visual Targeting Corporation

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