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IntiCo Delivers High Level Tech Solutions To Help Business In Three Major Areas: Omni-Channel, Telecommunication And AI

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IntiCo develops high level tech solutions. They run business in three major areas: Omni-Channel, Telecommunication and AI. Their Clients include companies across multiple industries such as banks, financial, government, education, healthcare, department store and retails in Latin America and the U.S. Below is our recent interview with Oscar Enrique Gomez, CEO at INTICO:

Q: Can you give us more insights into your services?

A: Our focus is to help our Clients reach out to their final customers using tech tools.

We have platforms to manage social and communication channels for sales, marketing, collection, and loyalty. We also provide communication channels as we are carriers in every country where we run business.

To have a greater impact, our AI solution allows us to provide analytic processing and machine learning to help our Clients’ business stay competitive.

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Q: Why is now the time for a technology solution like INTICO?

A: IntiCo has been developing technology for more than 16 years; along this time, we have progressed from Multi-Channel to Omni-Channel.

Omni-Channel strategies offer a seamless way for customers to purchase items and connect with their brand both digitally and in brick-and-mortar store.

Today, we have a core platform which integrates Big Data, Communication Channels and Artificial Intelligence to enhance our Clients’ business process along three key steps: strategy, design and execution.

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Q: What does the future hold? Where is the company headed?

A: Well, we are working in three directions:

1) We are bringing 2 new products to the market for small and medium companies which will allow them to have their team working on anything, anywhere, using AI in their business.

2) We are developing a strong partnership program to power up our current solutions.

3) We are working on a new exciting environmental project that will make an impact in the way we recycle, and what we do with our recycled stuff.

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