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LoHi Merchant Bank – Colorado Based Investment Bank With Deep Industry Experience

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* – This article has been archived and is no longer updated by our editorial team –

Below is our recent interview with Bobbi J. Babitz, Co-founder and Partner of LoHi Merchant Bank:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to LoHi Merchant Bank?

A: LoHi Merchant Bank “LoHi MB” is a Denver, Colorado based investment bank that specializes in middle market M&A and capital raising. LoHi provides its advisory and transactional service to buyers and sellers of middle-market companies in North America and Europe. Our clients are entrepreneurs, family-owned businesses, private equity groups, and public and private companies.. Founded in 2013 by co-founders Bobbi Babitz and Brett Story, LoHi MB is also among one of the few investment banks in the U.S. with a woman co-founder and owner. Sectors where LoHi MB is active include Technology, Telecom, Business Services, Consumer Products and Manufacturing.

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Q: You’ve recently announced that you have successfully advised CloudNet Group on its acquisition by Momentum Telecom; could you tell us something more?

A: We were delighted to bring these two exceptional companies together. The acquisition was a perfect union, Momentum is one of the fastest and substantively growing cloud-based telecommunications company in the U.S. – and regional VOIP service provider CloudNet is one of Inc. Magazine’s “Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America” for 2018. We’re excited to see what the two companies combined can accomplish!

Q: Can you give us insights into your services?

A: LoHi’s MB’s senior, and exceptional!, team works in very close collaboration with our clients through every step and stage of a transaction to develop and execute strategy, open doors to capital and strategic relationships, and ultimately create outcomes that meet our exceed our clients expectations. While our primary focus is the completion of a successful transaction, we also strive to create true, long-term relationships and alignment with our clients beyond the deal at hand. This often results in repeat assignments over the years with clients to whom we have become trusted partners.

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Q: What are the benefits of LoHi Securities’ broker-dealer and compliance solutions?

A: : LoHi MB is also the parent company of LoHi Securities. When we founded LoHi MB, we couldn’t find a first rate, competitively priced independent broker dealer to provide us with a bespoke solution for our business, so we built one for ourselves and to provide the same quality of service to other groups like us. LoHi Securities is a leading independent broker dealer who manages compliance and licensing for small to mid-size investment banking groups, placement agents and investment funds. LoHi Securities was founded and is managed by investment bankers and private placement professionals – and provides our clients streamlined, rapid turn-around, and best of class compliance services at a highly competitive price. LoHi Securities mantra is “Compliance Light, Compliance RightTM.

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