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Meet Alta Trust – An Innovative Trust Company Focused On Serving Investment Advisers And Their Clients

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Below is our recent interview with Erin Krage, Marketing assistant at Alta Trust Company:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?

A: Alta trust is an innovative and entrepreneurial trust company focused on serving investment advisers and their clients in the areas of personal trusts, retirement services, and private investment offerings.

Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?

A: At our upcoming event, The Private Fund Conference, will be a powerful two-day event for investment advisers and investment advisers.

Our keynote speaker is Mitch Lowe, Co-Founding Executive of Netflix and former President of Redbox. He will share his experiences with disruption in the entertainment industry. Mitch’s experience will help attendees start thinking outside of the box and gain confidence to break the mold in their industry.

The conference will discuss a variety of private investment offerings that advisers could provide their clients, including private equity funds, hedge funds, venture capital funds, real estate funds and special purpose vehicles. The opportunities for private investments are endless. Because of this flexibility and options, advisers can create their own personal brand of funds that best fit them and their clients.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?

A: The biggest insight we can give you about the conference is why we are planning such an event. Only 1.98% of registered investment advisers (RIAs) manage a private fund, and those RIAs manage 477% more in assets (source: RIA Database). This number is shockingly low. At Alta Trust, we see this as an opportunity to help advisers get ahead of the trend and have investment offerings that are truly unique and exclusive. We also asked, why is this number so low? It’s because open a private fund is hard. It’s time consuming an expensive. So, we created innovative, turn-key fund formation solutions that are a fraction of the cost and setup time as traditional avenues to opening a private fund. Our team of experts have done the research and mastered the process of starting a fund, so advisers don’t have to.

Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?

A: Our biggest push is our conference that is occurring next month as well as the launch of our CEO’s, Adam Ponder, recently published book, Private Funds for Investment Advisers ( This book is just the beginning of the educational content that Alta Trust will be creating to help advisers and other professionals get the most out of private funds. He is also in the process of a second book, Private Funds for Real Estate Professionals, which will be published early next year.

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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

A: The best thing out Alta Trust Company is our entrepreneurial spirit. We are no old-school trust bank. The company was started by former financial advisers who created their own trust company to address the specific issues they faced themselves as advisers. We know what it’s like to be an adviser struggling to scale their business, so we created solutions that we would be proud to use ourselves. Alta Trust does more than just manage money, we truly partner with advisers, because we want to help them.

Last Updated on November 27, 2021

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