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Meet Realty Group – The Fastest Growing Real Estate Company In Minnesota

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Below is our recent interview with Long H. Doan, CEO at Realty Group:

Long H. Doan

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Realty Group?

A: Realty Group was founded in 2009 where I was an “active broker” selling real estate. Then in 2014 Mike Bernier joined me as my partner and together we started to grow the brokerage. Today we are the fastest growing real estate company in Minnesota with 360+ real estate professionals and growing.

Q: Long, let’s start with your background. What were you doing before Realty Group?

A: This is my 26th year in the business. My first 15 years I was on the mortgage side and my last 11 years in real estate. I’m originally from Vietnam and came to America in the early 80s as a “boat person”. Here’s a story about me. Long Doan: Journey From Oppression to Optimism – Real Estate Agent Magazine.

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Q: What do you do for your clients?

A: As a Real Estate Company, we have two sets of clients, the end consumers (buyers/sellers) and our agents/brokers. On both fronts, we are consumer-centric as we strive to provide the best experiences for them through education, technology, support, culture, and much more.

Q: Why do you believe that your model is the new future of brokerages?

A: My business partner Mike Bernier and I travel around the country to network, learn, and share. We believe our model is the new future of brokerages. Consumer behaviors have changed in many industries including real estate. Netflix, Expedia, Uber/Lyft, and Amazon, are just some examples as consumers still watch movies, travel, get rides, shop, but they now do them differently than before with Blockbuster, Travel Agencies, Taxi, or Shopping Malls. We are seeing this in our industry as well. With so much competition and technology entering our space along with “Commission Compression”, people will still buy and sell homes but they will do them differently.

Therefore, we believe the role of a Broker has changed and will continue to change. Instead of just being a place for agents/brokers to park their licenses and provide some technology and training, we are now their business partners and our core purpose is the help them not to only survive but thrive in the huge shift. Through education, innovation, and consumer-centric, REALTY GROUP IS THE MODEL OF THE NEW FUTURE OF BROKERAGES, which is why we are the fastest growing real estate company in Minnesota.

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Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: Systems run businesses and people run systems. We are constantly being innovative in improving our process and systems to be more efficient and profitable. We are working on maximizing our growth right here in Minnesota first, before expanding into other markets. We have a great business plan in place that will adjust ahead of the changes that we are very excited and confident about so you will have to watch and see. What I can tell you is that we are in the “service” industry which is a “people business”. Therefore, our focus is to identify and solve our clients’ pain points and provide them with the best experience they can have. That is a big part of our plan!!!

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