MicroEJ is one of the leading providers of embedded software solutions. Their portfolio of products offers a unique development solution to design smart embedded applications by supporting all ranges of hardware platforms. MicroEJ helps OEMs create flexible and future-proof smart devices, brings rich user experiences, and enables additional sources of revenue across the whole value chain, from sensor data collection to cloud-based services. Below is our interview with Vincent Perrier, CMO at MicroEJ:
Q: What advantage does MicroEJ have over its competitors?
A: MicroEJ solutions allow developers of embedded, IoT and wearable devices to benefit from a full range of OS services comparable to those found on tablets or smartphones, but available on cost-effective and low-power hardware built on 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs).
Traditional mobile and general purpose OS are built on Linux and require GHz microprocessors (MPUs) and GB memory/storage that are incompatible with cost and power constraints of embedded/IoT/wearable devices. MicroEJ OS offers the same capabilities, including the dynamic download of apps from an online application store, for devices running on MHz MCUs (typically ARM Cortex-M0+ to M7) with KB memory/storage.
Embedded RTOS on the opposite are good at addressing the wide range of available MCU architectures and embedded targets, but do not scale up to IoT device needs that involve integrated connectivity (wired & wireless), IP-based networking and security, advanced graphical and touch user interfaces, support of IoT protocols such as MQTT, CoAP or LWM2M, and dynamic download of apps and their secured execution in isolation from the firmware. MicroEJ OS offers all the capabilities listed before and allows developer to use the popular Java language (more than 10 million developers worldwide, compared to few thousands of C developers for each RTOS API) to write apps running on IoT devices.
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Q: How would you describe MicroEJ in your own words?
A: MicroEJ is an independent software vendor of cost-driven solutions for the smart digital world. MicroEJ is focused on providing turnkey software products to solve the embedded world’s major business challenges and to enable application-driven uses and services in the IoT world commensurate with the cost and resource constraints of that world. MicroEJ helps OEMs create flexible and future-proof smart devices, brings rich user experiences, and enables additional sources of revenue across the whole value chain, from sensor data collection to cloud-based services.
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Q: Could you explain the function and advantages of MicroEJ’s comprehensive Internet of Things (IoT) product suite?
A: MicroEJ enables the delivery of user experiences and business models similar to mobile Internet (smartphones & tablets) for embedded devices with strong cost constraints, strict resource limitations (processor performance, RAM and flash memory footprint, low-power).
MicroEJ also combines the techniques, methods and tools that drove the PC and mobile Internet software industry (advanced software engineering methods, languages, architectures, tools), with the complex technical foundations of embedded systems (fragmented processor architectures and hardware-dependent software).
MicroEJ OS is optimized for the wide range of IoT hardware architectures and enables device manufacturers to deliver differentiating firmware using MicroEJ SDK tools. MicroEJ Studio allows application developers to write applications for those devices, and publish them to the MicroEJ Application Store from which they can be downloaded by device owners/users.
With MicroEJ solutions, OEMs use proven methods that cut software development time and cost. They create software that delivers incredible user experience and adjusts to Internet business needs.
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Q: More generally, how do you see the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape developing, and where do you place yourself in the industry?
A: IoT is about connecting things to the Internet in order to provide new services to users/businesses and analyze data collected from the use of these things.
MicroEJ enables end-to-end (from edge to cloud) IoT services delivery and data streaming:
– On the edge side: MicroEJ OS powers smart, connected things and allows faster programming of cost-effective hardware. It enables data sensing, computing, and connectivity to the cloud. It provides intuitive and slick graphical and touch user interfaces. It also enables dynamic download of apps, for easier software content management and enabling device users or operators to customize device functionality upon business, technical or any other needs.
– On the gateway side: MicroEJ OS also powers small cost-effective gateways that connect to things and sensors using local narrowband networks, and securely access the cloud through broadband IP-based networks.
– On the cloud side: MicroEJ Application Store allows the deployment of apps to IoT devices connected to the cloud – either directly or through gateways. It brings the capabilities found in smartphones and tablets to embedded, IoT and wearable devices with strong cost, power and memory/storage constraints. MicroEJ-ready devices easily connect to any cloud platform for device management and data analytics.
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