Below is our recent interview with Jim Nelson, CEO at Pop Up Restaurant Corp:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction of the company?
A: Pop Up Restaurant Corp creates a turnkey solution for the modern mobile restaurant. We enhanced on the traditional food trailer model and gave the business owners and their customers an actual restaurant experience. For the chef’s or owners, they get an actual kitchen that’s comfortable to work in along with a unit that for sure will turn some heads. Take one of the units to an event, and people will eat at your restaurant for the top view. As for the patrons, they have a place to sit, relax, and have a very unique dining experience. We are literally making a hybrid between the brick and mortar restaurant and food truck. We also provide a true turn key solution for starting up a mobile restaurant. That’s everything from finding financing, knowing what the laws are in your area, and location utilization.
Q: Any highlights on recent announcements:
A: Popup Restaurant plans to debut our flagship model which is an actual running and working restaurant on August 16th. This flagship model will showcase how innovative our team at Pop Up Restaurant Corp has been. Our amazing team has cracked the code for chefs who want to venture out with a place of their own.
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Q: Can you give us more insight into your offering?
A: We are offering the opportunity to join a new industry of hybrid mobile restaurants. Whether you’re in business now and just looking for an upgrade, or brand new and need help with getting a unit and getting started. We help with it all.
Q: What can we expect from your company in the next 6 months?
A: Pop Up Restaurant Corp will be expanding production of our most affordable product yet, the Quick Pop. This unit will be a first of its kind, with the ability to act as a true mobile restaurant when a larger footprint is allowed, and as a normal food trailer when it isn’t. Best part is the price point. The Quick Pop will be coming in much less than the average cost of a standard food trailer here in the USA. We will also start the placement of our EV charging stations at locations we have already brokered with property owners. The EV locations will have Pop Up Restaurant brand units located at them along with free charging. This way when our customer buys a Pop Up Restaurant, they will also have the option for a location that helps drive traffic to their business and gives a great platform for success. This will all be tied together with the launch of our app Pop Up Plus. All I can tell you about our app is that it’s designed for all mobile restaurant owners, not just Pop Up Restaurant. We are very excited about this app along with what we know is coming within the next 6 months. you can follow us on Instagram at @popup_restaurantt.
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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: Pop Up Restaurant Corp is not only a manufacturer, we also own and operate mobile restaurants. Since we actually run our own we know exactly what works when building for a client. When a customer comes to the manufacturing facility they can see an actual restaurant in action. Our design and functionality allowed us to be the first mobile vendor in the history of Orlando to have permanent placement without having to adhere to the ala cart law. That means we don’t have to move every 2 days like other vendors.
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