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SaintyCo Guarantees A Turnkey-Solutions In The Pharmaceutical Machine & Equipment Manufacturing

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SaintyCo is a high-tech company that offers turnkey-solutions by manufacturing and supplying cost competitive pharmaceutical machines and equipment. This year, SaintyCo has launched the latest in its series of pharmaceutical equipment – the high shear mixture granulators. Below is our interview with Tony Zeng, the SaintyCo Export Manager:

Tony Saintyco

Q: Tony, what advantage does SaintyCo have over its competitors?

A: First, we are a company with over 20 years of experience in researching, designing and manufacturing pharmaceutical equipment. This makes us a one-stop sourcing solution for any pharmaceutical machines and equipment.

In short, we have over 100 different types of pharmaceutical machines and equipment.

Second, as you know, China is a manufacturing hub for both the American and European pharmaceutical companies. They either outsource labor or have OEM companies in China.

Don’t forget the other logistic processes they have to go through. This is quite expensive for them.

This is a completely different scenario for SaintyCo.

We combine both the American and European technologies, alongside our unique patented technologies.

SaintyCo, being a Chinese based company, we have the advantage of manufacturing in China. It is for this reason that we are always ahead of the competition with our high quality and cost competitive equipment.

Third, SaintyCo has global distributors in Europe, North America, Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania. So, accessing our pharmaceutical machines or equipment, spare parts and technical support is quite easy.

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Q: You’ve recently announced the latest in your series of high shear mixer granulators; tell us something more?

A: Well, that’s true. This year, we announced 4 different series of our high shear mixer granulators.

These are the SMG, SMG-H, SMG-T and SMG2 series machines. They include the industrial, laboratory and R&D high shear mixer granulators.

They are uniquely designed machines with the ability to homogenize, humidify, mix and granulate different pharmaceutical products. This includes both the wet and dry powders.

SaintyCo’s main motivation here was the high demand for specialized equipment that could optimize operations in material processing. Of course, we have our standard designs, but we can also customize these high shear mixer granulators according to our customer requirements.

Remember, our granulators are also automated with Siemens PLC to enhance production. They are CE and cGMP compliant machines, designed to meet the high precision and optimum material processing requirements.

Q: There has been a major concern about the quality of pharmaceutical machines and equipment manufactured in China. What measures has your company taken?

A: The truth is, no original manufacturer or factory in China would wish to be associated with fake, substandard or low quality pharmaceutical machines and equipment. Unless you buy it from a third party or an agent.

So, what am I saying here?

SaintyCo deals directly with all its clients. This ensures they acquire machines approved by us.

Also, we have a strict quality control (QC) process where we do machine performance verification analysis. This is with the help of our experienced quality control team and external auditors.
Our company is a CE and cGMP compliant and we work closely with the U.S. FDA. This ensures high performance, hygiene and reliability.

Every SaintyCo pharmaceutical machine has a unique serial number that buyers can countercheck with our database. They come with over 1 year warranty.

Of course, we keep on improving on these quality measures.

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Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your other products?

A: As I said earlier, we manufacture a range of cGMP compliant pharmaceutical equipment and accessories such as capsule filling machines, laboratory instruments, material processing, solid production equipment, etc.

I mean we have hundreds of machines with nearly over 2,000 different series. These are machines and equipment for different applications such as for pharmaceutical, food processing, chemical processing, R&D, etc.

It will take hours to list all of them in this interview.

Customers can visiting our new website. We have a comprehensive list of all the innovative solutions we offer.

Q: Who is your ideal customer and why?

A: SaintyCo’s business setup targets a wide range of customers in the pharmaceutical, food processing, drug and chemical processing industries; amongst others. Besides, we have a number of R&D and bulk production or processing equipment.

Therefore, whether you need laboratory or industrial instruments and machines, SaintyCo provides exactly that.

Of course, this is due to our large manufacturing capability and intensive research the company has invested in. Also, SaintyCo has over 14 different partners who enable us to meet this target.

Q: What can we expect from SaintyCo in next six months?

A: Well, we will focus on designing specialized pharmaceutical machines and customizing existing equipment to meet the specific requirements of our customers.

As you know, product differentiation is a critical aspect in the today’s pharmaceutical and food processing industry. Our aim is to empower all SaintyCo clients to have full control over their final products.

This will make them more competitive.

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