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Software Reviews Delivers Valuable Insights When It Comes To Software Selection

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Software Reviews collects real data from real IT and business professionals in order to provide an accurate and unbiased understanding of complex software purchasing decisions. Their methodology produces the most detailed and authentic insights into the experience of purchasing and owning software. Below is our interview with Geoff Nielson, Vice President of Software Reviews:


Q: You’ve recently published Software Reviews’ 2017 Enterprise Resource Planning Data Quadrant Awards; could you tell us something more?

A: Our ERP Data Quadrant awards are based solely on user reviews without analyst intervention.

Reviewers evaluated both their experience with the software and their relationship with their vendor. What we found is that Gold Medalists in this space all had a slightly different mix of product satisfaction and vendor experience, with SAP scoring highest for product, Deltek scoring highest for vendor experience, and both Oracle and Microsoft striking more of a balance.

Many of our customers (as well as our analysts) were surprised to see Deltek ERP so highly rated, given that they are not usually given the same attention as enterprise vendors. This reflects the feelings of their customers and demonstrates our commitment to letting the results speak for themselves without analyst intervention to make sure the data “looks right”.

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Q: What is unique about Software Reviews and how does it stand out from competition?

A: Software Reviews was created at Info-Tech Research Group, an IT research and advisory firm started in 1997 and serving tens of thousands of paying members. We’ve been working in the vendor space for two decades giving us expertise and insight into the enterprise software landscape and vendor relationships.

Unlike our competitors, our software evaluations are driven only by user feedback, not analyst opinion. We believe that analysts provide valuable assistance when it comes to software selection and implementation, but accurate insight into the true experience of purchasing and owning software only comes from those who use it. We believe you need real data from real IT professionals to get an accurate and unbiased understanding of a such a complicated decision.

Q: Who is your ideal customer and why?

A: Our ideal customer is anyone looking to purchase, renew, or simply evaluate their current software to understand the market landscape and how competitors stack up. And of course someone who appreciates detailed, unbiased data.

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Q: What are your plans for next 6-9 months?

A: Over the next 6-9 months we plan to continue collecting and analyzing an ever-increasing amount of reviews, covering more products and software categories as we grow. As we increase our data collection efforts we are going to be publishing software category awards on an ongoing basis in the coming months. Be sure to stay tuned for exciting announcements from our website.

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