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Stackhawk Empowers Engineers To Easily Identify And Remediate Security Vulnerabilities

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Below is our recent interview with Joni Klippert, the Founder & CEO at StackHawk:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to StackHawk?

A: StackHawk is a Software-as-a-Service company in Denver, CO focused on empowering engineers to easily identify and remediate security vulnerabilities at any stage of development. Our leadership team has domain experience in both DevOps and information security. We see the challenges rapid software development and deployment has caused. It’s not easy to keep up with rapid innovation and securing code throughout the CI/CD pipeline. We’re excited to tackle this problem.

Q: How exactly does your platform work?

A: We’re currently in the product development phase with a priority of securing the right talent to ensure StackHawk provides industry-changing, continuous vulnerability scanning, documentation and remediation throughout the CI/CD pipeline.

Q: You’ve recently raised $2.1m in Seed round; could you tell us something more?

A: We are very fortunate to have a great group of investors that have experience with companies solving hard security problems, as well as companies that have successfully built products that win the hearts and minds of the developer community. With this raise, we’ll be building out a team to help us bring this vision to market. I love this time in a company where anything is possible and a group of smart and creative people get to collaborate with potential customers build new technology to solve their problems.

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Q: Why developers can’t find and remediate vulnerabilities themselves?

A: Developers today face difficult trade-offs between speed of feature delivery and ensuring code is well tested and secure. Given that the demands of fast release cycles often takes precedent, it’s nearly impossible for developers to be security-first throughout development. The application security products on the market today don’t integrate well with other dev tools and tend to be built for security teams instead of developers themselves.

Q: Why is now the time for a technology solution like StackHawk?

A: We are solving a new problem that has been created by agile software development and the rise of DevOps practices. Companies are making huge tooling and process investments in cloud, microservices and continuous integration and delivery in order to deliver innovation to their customers faster. The last “domino to fall” is security, which largely still operates in a siloed fashion. The market is ripe for security offerings that empower engineers to write more secure code and fix vulnerabilities well before a deployment to production. Security solutions that are designed to run only occasionally by security teams and offer a point in time assessment of a company’s security posture simply aren’t appropriate in a world of continuous software deployment.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: We are excited to build technology that empowers developers to innovate quickly with security in mind. Our immediate priority is hiring into a strong engineering team to continue building the product. Keep an eye out for more to come in the future as we remain committed to bringing application security into the hands of DevOps teams.

Last Updated on December 22, 2019

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