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SunShare Team Is Making Solar An Easy Choice For Thousands To Create A Cleaner, An Brighter Future

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SunShare has been a pioneer in the community solar industry since 2011. SunShare earned its place as the first company to build and operate a community solar garden in a competitive market, by breaking through legislative and regulatory barriers to pave the way for all citizens to have equal access to renewable energy. Since then, SunShare has led the way in transforming the energy industry with locally-generated solar power. Here is our recent interview with Kim Casey from SunShare:

Q: Can you tell us something more about your community?

A:SunShare has developed approximately 80 fully-subscribed community solar gardens across Colorado and Minnesota. It has built one of the largest active residential subscriber bases in community solar, focusing on the individuals and families that community solar programs were created to serve. SunShare offers subscribers a choice for renewable energy regardless of homeownership, and without rooftop installation. Through innovations, the SunShare team is making solar an easy choice for thousands of citizens, businesses, and organizations to create a cleaner, brighter future.

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Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?

A: The timing of our announcement aligns perfectly with President Biden’s drive for large investments in clean energy to combat climate change. Colorado has been a leader in the renewable energy space, and SunShare is proud to be a part of that. We very much look forward to helping Colorado exceed President Biden’s target for 40% of the country’s electricity to come from solar power within the next 15 years, and this investment will accelerate our successful business model of combining market innovation with full life-cycle solar development and ownership, as well as some innovative new platforms.

Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?

A: Community solar expands access to solar power generation beyond those homes and businesses able to install solar panels on their rooftops. SunShare customers can subscribe to a portion of the energy produced in SunShare’s community solar gardens, and local electric utilities buy solar power directly from SunShare’s subscribers through credits on their electricity bills. Community solar programs are a fast-growing segment in renewables, as National Renewable Energy Laboratory data shows that 75% of U.S. homes are unsuitable for rooftop solar panel installation and nearly 40% of U.S. households are renters who are not able to choose to install a rooftop solar option.
What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?

We will have a couple things up our sleeve, but you’ll have to stay tuned to find out! ;)

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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

· A: From Day 1, we were focused on bringing the benefits of community solar to homes that couldn’t access solar power by installing rooftop systems. While other developers were focused largely on serving large commercial customers, we stayed laser focused on residential customers. It was challenging at times to convince the financing industry that there was demand, and that this customer base was valuable, but I’m extremely proud of the fact that we persevered and paved the way not just for our own 13,000 residential customers, but for the industry as a whole to shift toward this segment. It makes our mission of solar for everyone that much stronger!

· Our business model is unique in that we are one of the few community solar developers that builds and owns our own solar gardens. This allows us to truly understand the voice of our customers, and ensures that we are as invested in high-performing solar projects as our customers, our landowner partners, and our investment stakeholders are.

· We’re excited to be growing our community solar base while also finding new and unique ways to bring solar energy to the masses. We hope to have more to share about these opportunities in the coming months!

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