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Tapfiliate – The Easiest Way To Start With Affiliate Marketing

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New startup Tapfiliate helps you to create and manage your own affiliate programs. Below is short interview with Tapfiliate team:

Q: How would you describe three biggest benefits of using Tapfiliate?

A: The biggest benefit is that there is no affiliate network between advertiser and publisher. This means that all commission goes directly to the publisher. This in contrast to big affiliate networks, who take up to 30% of the commission for each transaction. Next to that, there is no startup fee. In case of the big networks, these go up to $3000 and beyond. What it comes down to, is that Tapfiliate significantly lowers the barriers for getting into affiliate marketing, which is obviously a great marketing method for starters/SME because of its “no cure, no pay” nature.

Another big benefit is that Tapfiliate links directly to your landing pages. This means that you can greatly improve your SEO search engine rankings, because your affiliates will generate links to your site.


Q: What is your main goal at the moment?

A: First order of business at the moment is completing the Beta period. This means listening a great deal to our beta testers and making improvements based on their suggestions. We have loads of signups for the Beta so I think we could get to a launch pretty quickly.


Q: How do you see the future of Tapfiliate?

A: The goal for Tapfiliate is to be the premier tool for self-run affiliate programs. Key in this, is to help advertisers attract as many publishers as possible for their programs. I can definitely see us building tools and adding functionality in the near future to further accommodate this.

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