Equestrian enthusiast and serial entrepreneur Bobby Genovese, who is originally from Ontario, Canada and now a resident of the Bahamas and Florida, is an avid polo player, father and dedicated philanthropist who spends a lot of his time and energy organizing events that serve children.
After earning a number of accomplishments in the business world, these days Bobby Genovese is focused on living a people-driven life, helping others achieve their own dreams by offering up advice from his past experiences.
Q: You are a big believer of mentorship. In your opinion, what role does mentorship play in helping others enjoy a successful career?
Bobby Genovese: I believe one should give back what they’ve received, or in a sense, pay it forward. Mentoring has never been more important. A mentor can help you navigate the path of your profession; they push you to take risks and can advocate for you when you’re not there. As a mentor, there’s an immense amount of personal satisfaction that comes from watching someone you care about reach his or her full potential.
Q: Could you provide our readers with your involvement and a brief background on Solutions with Impact?
Bobby Genovese: Albert Einstein once said, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.” Having big ideas is great, but they’re nothing without rolling your sleeves up and getting down to the actual planning that goes into any big event or program. Solutions with Impact has successfully executed some of Canada’s largest and most prestigious corporate and charitable events. As someone who is personally involved with charity work, the organization serves its clients in an event management capacity.
Q: Speaking of events, you have chaired the annual Boat and Car Rally Scavenger Cup, which began in 2007. What organization do these particular events aim to serve?
Bobby Genovese: The Boat and Car Rallies are unique, exhilarating and memorable events that support children’s cancer research, treatment and care at SickKids Foundation, Canada’s largest and most sophisticated centre for pediatric cancer research, treatment and care. Rally for Kids events are designed to make an impact, raise vital funds and enrich the lives of children in hopes of finding a cure for childhood cancer.
Q: From your experience, why should companies get involved with charity events and organizations?
Bobby Genovese: Participating in philanthropic initiatives provides companies with a way to instill a culture of giving back within the organization. Not only does getting involved boost team morale, it also builds a strong reputation with the community and highlights your business as one with a socially responsible philosophy.
Q: One of the highlights of your polo career was to return to Canada and win the Canadian Open. How have horses inspired your life?
Bobby Genovese: From a young age, I was good on horses. Growing up on a farm in Canada, I baled hay all summer and taught riding and mucked out the stalls as the barn manager for a prominent stable in Toronto. I took a break from riding for many years, and it wasn’t until I was invited to my first polo match in Palm Beach that I realized, “Hey, I could do that!”
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