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Utility-Scale Solar And Storage Developer 7X Energy Offers Clients The Lowest Cost Of Electricity Available Through Utility-Scale Solar And Solar Plus Storage

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7X provides end to end solar development. From project inception to commercial operations their mission is to offer clients the lowest cost of electricity available through utility-scale solar and solar plus storage. Below is our recent interview with Clay Butler, President & CEO at 7X Energy:

Q: Could you tell us something more about the company and what you do?

A: We developed our proprietary Smart Power MapsTM, which is a geospatial software visualization platform that, by leveraging big data, accelerates the site selection process. This siting and transmission software, along with our flexible contract modeling, which includes aggregated PPA (7X’s Boost Solar), fixed shape (7X’s SolarBlocksTM), solar plus storage (Solar+Blocks), and retail sleeves help us meet growing customer demands.

I started this company with my colleague, Scott Pryor (Chief Development Officer), in 2016 after years of serving as a managing partner of a leading law firm for renewable energy companies.

The 7X Energy name is rooted in the Iroquois philosophy that urges the current generation of humans to live and work for the benefit of the seventh generation. It’s a driving force for our team and a reminder of the critical importance of our work and the impact we’ll make for generations to come.

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Q: What projects are your working on currently?

A: We currently have approximately 5,000 megawatts (MW) in our development portfolio across the nation.

Most recently we signed the final PPA for our Taygete Energy Project (690 MWp) which, once constructed, will be the largest solar project in Texas and one of the five largest in the country. This is a significant milestone towards the rapid expansion of renewable power in the U.S.

Q: Is solar energy reliable and powerful enough for homes or businesses?

A: Solar power is clean, renewable energy generated from the sun. Unlike other energy sources, solar is renewable and helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces dependence on fossil fuels.

Solar is produced during peak energy usage and coupled with storage, will extend the solar production into the evening.

Q: What are the benefits of using renewable energy?

A: Using renewable energy over fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, reduces the overall greenhouse gas emissions which not only helps our environment but also reduces public health issues.

Depending on the megawatt hours (MWh) produced by a renewable energy facility, one will offset thousands of metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated.

Also, there are economic benefits to renewable energy. Energy buyers are recognizing that solar energy production prices have dropped considerably and thus are able to provide lower rates to their customers.

Renewable energy projects create jobs and it’s another revenue stream for farmers and ranchers.

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Q: SolarBlocks is the one of industry’s first fixed-block power purchasing products. How exactly does it work?

A: SolarBlocksTM is a fixed-block power purchasing strategy that enables energy buyers to purchase blocks of solar generation from 7X developed projects at a fixed rate, covering peak hours when wholesale electric rates are often highest. We offer shorter contract terms, have the ability to procure specific amounts of solar energy every 15 minutes, and we can hedge against on-peak prices.

Q: What can we expect from 7X Energy in the future?

A: 7X will continue to be a disruptor in the renewable energy space by bringing more solar and solar plus storage projects into the electricity grid. Using big data, we will be able to expedite the process and leave this world better for generations to come.

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