Below is our recent interview with David Smooke, the Founder & CEO at HackerNoon:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: HackerNoon publishes technology stories and builds publishing software. Our flagship product is our community driven content management system that powers for readers, writers, editors and advertisers. Anyone can publish on HackerNoon, as long as they submit a quality technology story. About half the stories are rejected, and every story published on HackerNoon goes through staff editorial review.
With this new Startups of the Year campaign, we are looking to elevate the best and brightest startups from around the world, whether they are based in San Francisco, Giza, San Juan, or anywhere else in the world. High growth companies are not limited to just the historically known startup regions, with the rise of remote efficiency and open source technologies, the next great startup could come from anywhere!
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: Anyone can now nominate a startup, vote for a startup and even claim their own startup on HackerNoon. To accurately reflect the technology industry, it requires a comprehensive company database. Our custom voting software includes business wikis, relevant stories from around the web, the ability for any company to verify their information, and a live Craigslist-style worldwide map to visually communicate where startups trend. We are building an open, reliable, and editable technology startup database that will enable technologists to make informed decisions about which emerging startups to learn about, invest in, partner with, or even work for.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: Startups of the Year 2023 features 35,000+ startups across 4200+ cities (and counting!), participating in the bid to be crowned the best startup in their city. The event allows the Internet to vote for their favorite startups. The voting period ends on the last day of the year Dec 31st, 2023, and winners will be announced in Jan 2024. Under the hood, we have a database editable by the community. If your email matches the startup nominee’s homepage, you are able to edit the company bio of your startup. Like CBinsights, Crunchbase and Pitchbook, we will continue to empower company representatives and trusted sources to update business data on HackerNoon.
Q: What can we expect from your company in the next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: HackerNoon will continue to publish ~42 high quality tech stories everyday, just like we’ve been doing for the last 7+ years. We’ll also continue listening to our 3k+ customers, who have helped us create high value offerings such as business posts, niche marketing packages and writing contests.
For companies, we will be releasing a new version of the tech company news pages. Not only will it have a refreshed design, but it will also have a ton more business data about each company, which will power our first index about how companies trend over time.
Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: HackerNoon is an entirely common stock company with 17 full-time people, 1,200+ shareholders, and 40k+ contributing writers. We are working hard to become an example for sustainable growth. To me, sustainability in tech means making more money than you spend, growing revenue every year, and ultimately making the internet better off than it would be without your company. Lastly, we have a documentary about the history of the internet coming out this summer, be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel to learn more :-)
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