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Avanti Way’s New Tech; A Game Changer For Real Estate

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* – This article has been archived and is no longer updated by our editorial team –

Below is our recent interview with Andres Korda and Enrique Teran, Founders and CEOs of Avanti Way Realty:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Avanti Way?

A: Avanti Way is a real estate brokerage company with a an innovative business model that, through its proprietary technology deployment and extensive support provides its real estate agents, who we call Agentpreneurs, a very unique set of analytics, marketing and educational tools to work smarter, stand out in their markets, and offer the right type of value today’s consumers demand.

Q: You’ve recently launched a new platform that will forever upgrade the real estate experience; could you explain why you created this system?

A: The consumers’ needs and expectations for a real estate agent and its value inside a real estate transaction have changed. When we started there was basically no technology in this industry and we were pioneers in introducing the paperless environment for brokers and agents. Nowadays, 10 years later, the problem is there is an overwhelming amount of technology for consumers, agents, brokers, and affiliates but each party uses those systems differently and spend too much time in them trying to figure them out instead of focusing on the real value that the consumers need. Buyers and Sellers feel empowered already with an abundance of data, but the value is not in the data itself but its interpretation as well as its relevance to making the right decisions, fast! So we created a system that has it all in one place and really empowers real estate professionals with a place to access all the relevant data they need, in a way everyone can interpret, to then provide consumers simplicity and powerful recommendations that ultimately allows for wiser decisions.

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Q: And what’s the platform, or experience as you say, main differentiator?

A: The way in that, with one click, the platform easily breaks down the typical macro-data usually available to consumers and agents into the micro relevant data that real estate decisions need to be based on. It combines multiple data points into conclusions that help agents and consumer find the best deals, define the best price for an offer or listing, identify the right cash flow investments, or become masters of any market segment, among many other things. All of this in a very easy-to-use interface that eliminates complexities and the need to access multiple systems.

Q: In just 10 years you are already one of the top brokerages in Florida, such a competitive market. How did you get to where you are today?

A: Passion. That’s our main driver. And also a great team who believes in our vision to always change the status quo and add the right value. Since we started, our push has been to defy the norm and look at what exists differently, always using technology as a foundation but only to empower people not to replace them. To save them time and provide good experiences. In our brokerage, we are always creating experiences and making sure our Agentpreneurs follow the same philosophy when using our systems and dealing with their customers.

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Q: What can we expect from Avanti Way in the future?

A: Not disruption, but more innovation. Enhanced real estate experiences for buyers, sellers, renters investors through the value top tech and data-driven agents can provide. You can expect expansion into new markets and the use of more artificial intelligence and voice technology in our systems.

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