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Learn How Jolt Got 46% Conversion And Had To CLOSE Registration With This Landing Page

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Ofir Avigad

Written by: Jolt’s User Acquisition Director, Ofir Avigad, –

This is the story of a landing page that started out small but ended up being a huge success. By the end of the story, our LP would secure us a 46% conversion rate and put us in a place where we actually have to close, yes, close, registration.

The average conversion rate of landing pages varies between 0.5% to 12%. So when we found ourselves with almost 4 times above the average, we felt we just had to share how we did it.

It all started with a page that we built, naturally, around the core ideas of Jolt:

● Professionals love sharing their knowledge, and we are here to give them the opportunity to build their thought leadership in their respective fields
● Smart teams are craving for opportunities to learn and to keep up with market leaders, we make it easy for them to do that

Our first landing page, then, was designed to convey the exciting idea of thought leadership. We wanted it to be thought provoking, innovative and exciting. We wanted it to be something that would make people go “wow! I have to click this immediately!”

So we came up with this:

Jolt Give Talks
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Were folks flocking to the CTA? Nope. In fact, we had south of 1% of visitors signing up.

So we tried doing things differently. We added different catchy lines along the thought leadership title, switched the order of the next strips in the page, and even added a sliding sign up form that swoops in from the bottom. All to no avail, our conversion rate was not improving.

This was a problem. Back to the drawing board we went.

To solve the mystery of the flailing page we needed a way to gain knowledge about what motivates our customers, and we decided to go for one of the proven methods: A/B/ (C,D) testing with email marketing. It’s cheap (500 highly targeted accounts for 200$), fast, and gives you a good indication of what people actually want to click through.

Here’s how we did it. We set up an email campaign with 4 copy versions:

1. The thought leadership
2. The get paid $300 per talk
3. The share your knowledge because sharing is caring
4. Finally, the big winner:

Jolt Mail
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Email #4 passed the test with flying colors – 69% of the email receivers opened it, out of which 33% clicked through.

Here’s what we were thinking. Although the long term benefit of Jolt is thought leadership, what people need right now is to trust us to deliver that value for them. They need to know that we can make them a little more famous.
The problem was that they’ve never heard of us. As the popular wisdom goes: they don’t know us, they don’t like us, and they don’t trust us.

But then email #4 came along and swept everyone off their feet. Can you see why it won? Because it moved us aside, and pointed to the only thing that people would know, like and trust that we can offer: great people.

Now the plot thickens. We created a second LP that featured the same speakers from the email campaign but that still didn’t win us the jackpot.

Then one day, a phone call with a potential speaker brought on a stroke of insight – she was very interested in the type of companies she would be giving talks to. And there it was, clear as day: High profile professionals need a high profile audience.

I realized that the winning email contained not one but two important hints. Yes, high profile professionals cut us enough slack when they heard more of their kind were on our profile. But what they also want is to give talks to high profile audiences.

One of the greatest qualities of Jolt is that it taps into the basic need of people not only to belong, but to belong to a high quality community in which each person is playing an active and vital role. Having the opportunity to speak to – to teach! – A 500 Fortune company is the most enticing thing for a thought leader. It conveys the sense that you are providing a valuable service to the most prominent companies out there. It makes you and your knowledge relevant.

So we went full force in this direction, and it hit home run:

Jolt Fortune 500
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Now we were really making headway with a 25% conversion rate! Nice, but not blog piece worthy.
We were able to add some final touches a few days later when enough data was coming in. It quickly became obvious that desktop (46%) was doing more than 12 times better than mobile (with only 3%). So we tweaked it and focused only on desktop.

The results were overwhelming: our conversion rates skyrocketed to 46%. It got to the point where we actually had to CLOSE registration. And we did all this in less than 45 days and with less than $500.

Now that’s blog worthy.

Learn more by booking me for a talk about this… HERE

Last Updated on June 18, 2017

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