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Lumeos – Revolutionizing Data Sharing In The Era Of Blockchain

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* – This article has been archived and is no longer updated by our editorial team –

Below is our recent interview with Ali Ayyash, the Founder and CEO at Lumeos:

Ali Ayyash

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Lumeos?

A: is a patent-pending data privacy layer on top of EOS blockchain, that allows users to encrypt their personal metadata and monetize it anonymously.

We have already built the fastest growing survey platform on the blockchain.

Our iPhone and Android decentralized apps, built on top of our Lumeos privacy protocol, enables our thousdands of users to make passive income in LUME tokens, by simply answering twitter-style polls. We’ve onboarded a few paying crypto companies to run their market & product research surveys against our user base, and are slated to have over 20 paying customers during Q4 2018, while we fully develop our mainnet.

We are a top tier Silicon Valley based team from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM as well as advisors from Everipedia and Civic.

Q: Can you share more about the architecture?

A: should have an overview of how we are setup.

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Q: What are the issues with data sharing that you aim to solve?

A: Lumeos solves the root problem of today’s data sharing: Data ownership.

Whenever you share anything online today, you’re not the owners of the data you share, instead the centralized companies own full access to it, and so can monetize it as needed. And up until recently these companies didn’t provide much education around privacy controls and in many situations, user’s privacy was breached due to bugs/hacks.

Lumeos allows users to own their data by owning a private key that is used to encrypt user’s data and store on a public ledger (EOS Blockchain). And since the users own their data, they are in full control over it’s privacy and who has access to it. And since it’s on a blockchain, the exchange of data to anyone can be done through cryptocurrency (the native LUME eosio.token)

In summary these are the issues with current data sharing model:
1. Data Ownership
2. Data Privacy
3. Data Monetization

Q: Why did you choose EOS? What makes it the best choice for your platform?

A: 1. Scalability: EOS already can scale to thousands of transactions and will allow us to grow our user base quickly without congesting network
2. User experience: thanks to 0 fee platform that EOS provides, users don’t have to
3. Mainstream adoption: unlike other blockchains where losing private keys means losing anything, EOS supports “password reset” functionality that will allow users to recover their accounts in cases of hacks or losing their key/password.

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Q: Project roadmap

A: Short Term (Q4 2018) (~10k users)
We are going for corporate surveys on the platform (something similar to SurveyMonkey audience) to create revenue for us while we scale our user base. all this done through our mobile app.

Mid Term (Q2 2019) (~100k users)
Lumeos Metadata Vault on EOS allows users to sell p2p to 3rd party adtech exchanges.

Long Term (Q1 2020) (~1M users)
Users can upload their behavioral data from FB/Google to the Lumeos smart contract (Thanks to GDPR) and Lumeos becomes the biggest decentralized DMP and plug into adtech exchanges to add most value to our users data.

Q: I read something about your partnership with SpringRole, how did that start and where do you see the relationship going?

A: I’ve met Kartik (Springrole founder) at multiple events, and we discussed how we can add user’s verified expertise as part of our data vault to increase the user metadata value. One of the major goals of Lumeos is to add most value to user’s data in order to benefit them the most (given that they now make money out of it)

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