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Masters in Clarity Helps Clients Clarify Their Idea Worth Sharing And Implement Business Growth Systems

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Masters in Clarity is a coaching practice that helps clients clarify their idea worth sharing and implement business growth systems. Below is our recent interview with Dolores Hirschmann, Chief Clarity Officer of Masters in Clarity:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Masters in Clarity?

A: We specialize in partnering with clients to enhance their current skill set to focus on effective communication, public speaking, presentation skills, audience engagement, and leadership. Through coaching, accountability, and direction, our clients quickly turn their one man show into a successful, team leveraged company. We also work with clients to develop their speaking platform, including speaking from a TEDx stage as well as designing clear strategies and an implementation plan to reach their next level of growth.

Q: Dolores, can you tell us something more about your background? How did you get to where you are today?

A: I am an entrepreneur, hispanic immigrant, mother of four, and business owner. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, I endured a difficult childhood. When I was 20, I was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor and was told I might not make it. Well guess what? I made it! I went on to graduate from business school and meet my husband who was traveling in Buenos Aires. Within a year, we got married and moved to the US. Here, I became a mother of 4 and while they were young, I started 3 businesses: a women’s clothing company that supported a coop of low income women in Argentina, a language school where we taught Spanish, French, and Chinese as an after school program, and a consulting business. I later became a TEDx organizer as I am very passionate about IDEAS that can impact the world. And then in 2014, I launched my current adventure, Masters in Clarity. I stand behind entrepreneurs who are committed to changing the world with their work – and I love it!

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Q: What advice do you have for early entrepreneurs who hope to scale up as quickly and successfully as you have?

A: You MUST be really clear on who you are, what you are meant to do, and what kind of life you want to have. Growing your business requires CLARITY of positioning, knowing exactly what problem you solve, and pacing yourself. Any decision that is made regarding building and running a business will require 100% commitment from the entrepreneur. If the entrepreneur’s interest is not aligned with the business he/she wants to build, then it will not be sustainable over time. The path to entrepreneurship is a path where you will be required to get out of your comfort zone as a human being. It is the fastest way for personal development work with a financial incentive!

Q: Can you give us insights into your services?

A: At Masters in Clarity we offer communication and business strategy paired with implementation support. Our two core programs, Clarity Circles and Clarity Mastery are designed to help entrepreneurs build a road map and consistently TAKE ACTION. All of our programs include private coaching with me as well as private implementation with my team. We now have a new program designed for service companies with an yearly revenue of over $1 million dollars who are in need of an authentic and consistent marketing strategy. This program, FRACTIONAL CMO, brings us in to set up and run the company’s marketing strategy so that they can reach their next level of growth.

Q: Can you tell us something more about your program? What does it include? Does it really work?

A: Our programs include:

• Regular strategy sessions with me as your clarity coach
• Monthly private implementation sessions with my team for our clients to take action (think of it as a well trained VA who will help you take action)
• Monthly group coaching calls where you can interact with other entrepreneurs and build community and partnerships
• 3 live workshops a year where we roll up our sleeves together to move your business forward
• An online learning platform following THE IDEA METHOD curriculum (a proprietary methodology from Masters in Clarity) where we break down the process of growing your business into easy, actionable steps

· BONUS CONTENT such as:

  • WRITE YOUR TALK: How to write your talk and speak from a TEDx stage
  • PUBLISH YOUR BOOK: How to write and publish your lead generation book
  • THE IDEA OF YOU: How to clarify who you are, what you want, and consistently take action

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Q: What are the company’s plans and goals for the future?

A: We are looking to continue working with service entrepreneurs and service businesses to help them scale and grow. We are also going to be teaching service businesses how to position themselves to be acquired totally or partially by another company (something Masters in Clarity is currently doing – one of our business units is being acquired by a larger company).

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