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An Interview With Joan Breibart, President Of 80Bites

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Below is our recent interview with Joan Breibart, President of 80Bites:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to 80Bites?

A: This is a free app that, if used even once, will give the user helpful information about their stomach size. No one talks about this subject even though the only proven weight loss method — pre-Ozempic — is stomach surgery or eating less! 80Bites contradicts the “Eat Healthy, Exercise More, Hydrate” wellness formula, which is very lucrative — wellness industry sales are around $3 trillion — but a disaster for the body, resulting in 65% of the U.S. population suffering from obesity (not 42% like they say in the media). Ozempic validates the 80Bites perspective: forget calories, hormones rule. Stomach size and sensitivity affects the hormones that signal hunger. The more you eat — even kale salads — the hungrier you get, which is why the wellness formula is so good for business but bad for bodies.

Q: Who is your ideal client and why?

A: Every person who eats should use the app – at least once. Overeating is hurting the planet and even if someone is happy with their weight, they may still be over consuming. The complete 12-Step program is $35.00 for life. The ideal client for this is a woman aged 30-65, who has either dieted or tried multiple diet trends, only to find herself reverting back to previous eating habits and becoming frustrated as a result. No one dealing with obesity got that way because they ate fries rather than a kale salad with their burger. These oversimplifications are a result of diet industry marketing, which can create unnecessary guilt and misconceptions about weight.

80Bites - Hi, it's Sam

Q: Can you tell us more about your App?

A: The app is a bite counter featuring Sam Stomach, our cartoon mascot. He talks to you. He talks funny. You keep track and then when you get to 26 bites you are asked if you feel anything, feel any fullness. For 90% of the population, the answer is “NO!”. So you keep going and Sam Stomach gets angry. Some people get to 95 bites and are still not full because a typical restaurant entrée is 50 bites. Appetizers are often 20 bites. People eat it all and then eat dessert too. However, 60 years ago — when Weight Watchers started — people typically ate no more than 26 bites for lunch and then 26 for dinner. They may have eaten 10-15 bites for two smaller meals, such as breakfast and a late-afternoon ‘fix’, but all-day snacking was looked down upon.

80Bites stands for the total quantity one should consume daily to lose weight, as well as indigestion and guilt. In our FAǪ we answer, in detail, why this number is correct. But, all you need to do is look at old cookbooks and photos to see the portions are so much smaller. Right now, people taking Ozempic are eating these smaller portions and feeling full. The 80Bites program is essentially Ozempic prep. But Ozempic advises people to do the formula which made them overweight in the first place. Why? Then they will need to stay on Ozempic. Just as Karen Miller Kovachs, a Weight Watchers executive and the inventor of their Points system, saw that 80Bites was a threat to growing revenues, Weight Watchers was close to $1.5 billion in sales a few years ago. So even though 80Bites works (and we even have our own rap), Noom, Weight Watchers and Keto is where people want to go because they think these diet fads are the key. Meanwhile one billion people are starving.

Q: What can we expect from your company in the next 6 months?

A: My company is PhysicalMind Institute which owns 80Bites. We also put Pilates on the map beginning 32 years ago when I started the Institute for the Pilates Method which is now PhysicalMind. We have nine patented products for all bodies. We have exercise, rehabilitation and movement programs for all bodies regardless of size, location, gender or even pocketbook. We sell a Wearable reformer TYE4® for $75.00 which weighs 8 ounces and can fit in a pocketbook — most reformers start at $3000 and weigh 300 pounds and are 90 inches long. Parasetter® — our unique foam roller system — now being used by top tech executives in Northern CA and celebrities.

Q: What are your plans?

A: We are going to expand on Amazon — now we are only in the USA — and open a brick and mortar studio soon. Now we are training Pilates Professionals in our Soho office and holding workshops elsewhere. At the studio we will invite the public. Once Ozempic and Eli Lilli launch their pill version then 80Bites will be everyone’s best strategy.

Q: What is the best thing about The 80Bites app and the online 12 Steps Program that people might not know about?

A: It works because it makes people aware and stops the “food noise.”

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