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An Interview With Nicole Capper, Owner And Managing Director At MANGO-OMC

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MANGO-OMC is a communications agency that has been in existence since 2005. From 2016, when Nicole Capper took over the company, the agency developed a model of networked suppliers. This enabled it to provide multi-media and digital services (cost-effectively) that facilitated implementation of the integrated strategies the agency specialises in.

Below is our recent interview with Nicole Capper, Owner and Managing Director at MANGO-OMC:

Q: What kind of impact pandemic had on your business?

A: In 2020, with the advent of the pandemic, the agency adapted once again. It moved to a freelance model that enabled a reduction in overheads, allowing a reduction in cost, that in turn allowed non-profit organisations at the frontline of the pandemic to make use of their services. This model also ensures the provision of senior, specialised skills and expertise according to what the client requires.

MANGO-OMC has become well known for their extensive experience across marketing, PR and digital, their professionalism and the ability to be able to thoroughly integrate themselves into client teams. MANGO-OMC is well versed in collaborating with clients (and other agencies if necessary) to provide the best possible communication solutions for each client.

Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?

A: The data received from the International Public Relations Network survey mirrored what we have been implementing. In particular:

Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) – 28%; integrated communication strategies – 24% and CEO profiling/ thought leadership – 19%. MANGO-OMC has been focused on Environment, Social and Governance from 2020. Every client receives an integrated communication strategy, with thought leadership an integral tool in the strategic toolbox.

25% of respondents consider strategic communication and PR consultancy as the major services with opportunities for growth. This was followed by social media and digital communications – 14%, issues and crisis management and change management – 13%, digital strategy – 11% and media relations – 9%.

All of above are utilised by our current client base. The incorporation of digital audits and recommendations into all communication strategies has automatically led to a key role being played by MANGO-OMC on the digital side. In many cases – taking over digital altogether and, in other cases, partnering with client’s existing service providers to implement integrated strategies coherently.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?

A: Our model differs from many agency models in that we have a network of skilled freelancers, partners, agencies, service providers and more – all of whom work with us on an ongoing basis to provide a broad range of services to the client base. We are able to access experience, skill and talent across all communication/website/digital marketing/video/film/design/social marketing/influencer marketing sectors that match client needs. All of the collaborating partners share the same work ethic, there are no referral fees, and the client liaises with MANGO-OMC as the lead agency. This model allows for extraordinary skill to be brought into play for the implementation of all strategies; without adding to the cost to client and without forcing a client to use multiple providers as they are all vetted and managed by MANGO-OMC.

Q: What can we expect from your company in next 6 months? What are your plans?

A: The plan is to continue growing our network to encompass more countries across Africa. Africa has specific communication needs, many languages and cultures and is a rich continent in terms of innovation and growth. We will also continue to add to our network as digital changes and grows.

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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

A: We are often our own best-kept secret as we don’t enter awards. We are often selected to judge awards, such as the International Business Awards, but don’t tend to enter any awards ourselves.

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