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Amsterdam-based startup PeerReach has launched new project It helps you to discover and follow the most important Twitter discussions. algorithm automatically picks up a subject when there is sufficient serious discussion about it and select in real-time the most relevant messages. Here is what Zlatan Menkovic co-founder of PeerReach said about app.

Q: What was your inspiration for

A: We wanted to give people a better experience reading and finding Twitter content. Twitter’s own main focus lies very much at building a timeline and seeing status updates from the people you follow. We wanted to give people a broader experience where they could see what was happening around them and immediately see the most relevant opinions, messages and photo’s.


Q: What was technically the most challenging part of developing

A: Technically the algorithms to select the most relevant messages were the most challenging. We have to process millions of messages and decide in real time weather to include them or not. But I’ve to say that coming up with the interface to show both the topics and the messages and let you scroll thru them was as challenging as the algorithm part.

Q: How big your team is at the moment?

A: We are currently team of 7 including myself and my co-founder Nico Schoonderwoerd.

Q: How do you see future of

A: We are focusing on English speaking countries now but we would like to expend to other languages and counties.

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