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Doorways Provides A 21st Century Way To Connect Diverse Suppliers & Corporations With Business Opportunities

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Doorways provides a 21st century way to connect diverse suppliers and corporations with business opportunities.

Below is our recent interview with Monica Coats from Doorways:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Doorways?

A: Doorways is a mobile platform that allows corporations, consultants, affiliates of certifying organizations and diverse suppliers all over the world to connect more efficiently and effectively in a unique, digital ecosystem. Our goal is to allow these groups of individuals the opportunity to streamline their process for developing meaningful business relationships. Our platform includes detailed company profiles, team member profiles, meeting scheduling, digital meetings, messaging, supplier assessments, data storage lockers (SkyLockers) and more! All of which can be utilized anywhere, anytime. Data security is reinforced for subscribers via block chain technology, keeping subscribers’ sensitive information safe.

Q: So, how exactly does it work? Is it complicated?

A: Not at all! There are different subscription levels and price points available for users. Subscribers will first create a company profile detailing their products, business needs, team members etc. Subscribers are also able to separate public and private information in their Sky Lockers. Videos, important documents and other company information can be stored and shared according to the needs of the subscriber. Next, buyers and suppliers can search for qualified candidates and view their profiles, videos, web links and marketing materials. Corporate subscribers can “vet” the pool of suppliers by uploading assessments that pinpoint exactly what they are looking for. If someone wants to connect with a business that might meet their needs, they can simply issue a “knock” and request a meeting. Individual team members can share their calendars. Meetings are easy to schedule and conduct all within Doorways. Data analytics are provided to allow users to keep track of their interactions and engagement.

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Q: What are the benefits of using Doorways compared to traditional “connecting events”?

A: Traditional connecting events and conferences often require an enormous commitment of time and financial resources. These expenses weigh heavily on small and diverse businesses. Doorways allows these businesses to experience the benefits of meeting buyers at a conference at a much lower price point and without leaving the office.

Conferences and other events bring together businesses of all types, with the goal of developing relationships. However, there is no guarantee that a meaningful connection will be made. Doorways reduces this risk, making it easier and faster to go directly to the subscribers that meet your specifications.

Q: What makes Doorways stand out from the competition?

A: There is currently no other digital resource that allows corporations, consultants, affiliates and diverse suppliers to interact in the way that Doorways does. Doorways is also the first in the “diverse supplier search” space to adopt block chain technology. Companies often say that traditional portals and data bases are ineffective in identifying diverse suppliers; and not everyone can cover the expense of a large conference. Doorways is a 21st century solution to an industry-wide problem, making it faster and easier to find the right business partners and pursue new business opportunities.

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Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: We have just recently launched. We will be adding new features to the platform in the coming months. Doorways is designed to meet the needs of its subscribers and changes will be implemented to continually ensure that the platform is the most efficient and cost-effective way to develop business connections. Scheduled updates include digital conferencing, certification support services and more. We look forward to adding more subscribers and continuing to expand our Doorways community!

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