Grey Cloak Tech is a software technology company focused on digital marketing software. Grey Cloak flagship software product Fraudlytic detects fraudulent and low quality traffic. Below is our interview with Fred Covely and William Bossung from Grey Cloak Tech:
Fred Covely, is President, Chief Executive Officer, and a member of the Board of Directors of Grey Cloak Tech. He has both a technical and business background in software and has been involved in all aspects of the software industry over the past 30 years including technical, sales, legal, and management. Mr. Covely was the chief architect for the Peregrine Network Management System which was subsequently purchased by Hewlett Packard. He was a founder at BCF Technology, an insurance software company sold to Vertafore.
William Bossung, has served as Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, and a member of our Board of Directors of Grey Cloak Tech. He has a diverse background in Corporate Finance, Insurance and Accounting. He was a co-founder of BCF Technology, an insurance software company, and was the managing partner of Bishop Equity Partners LLC, a boutique private equity firm that invests in both private and public companies and purchases and restructures debt. Mr. Bossung founded Splash Beverage Group, a beverage distribution company that distributes both alcohol and non-alcohol products.
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Grey Cloak Tech?
A: Grey Cloak Tech (OTC: GRCK) is a software technology company focused on digital marketing software. Our flagship product is a bot/fraud detection system for digital marketing campaigns. The Company is currently looking for complementary technologies in the digital marketing space.
Q: You’ve recently announced the signing of a binding Letter of Intent to acquire ShareRails; tell us something more?
A: The ShareRails.Com technology uses influencers to market products. Influencer based marketing is intrinsically less susceptible to fraud and when combined with the Grey Cloak anti-fraud product can yield hugely valuable digital marketing campaigns. Merging the technologies opens new doors in the digital marketing space for GRCK.
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Q: Could you explain the function and advantages of your Fraudlytic software?
A: Fraudlytic detects fraudulent and low quality traffic. In an ongoing game of one-upmanship, the fraudsters continuously devise new ways to commit digital fraud while fraud detection companies continuously improve their fraud detection technology. Much like anti-virus software years ago, the cycle appears to be continuing indefinitely. We believe the correct approach is to have a robust fraud technology, but combine that with ‘positive identification’ of humans via a variety of technologies including influencer marketing.
Q: What advantage does Grey Cloak Tech have over its competitors?
A: Our competitors are focused on preventing fraudulent traffic. GRCK is creating a strategy where fraud is intrinsically minimized or ideally a non-factor.
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Q: What are your plans for next four months?
A: Grey Cloak Tech will focus on delivering a high quality sales and marketing platform that is nearly fraud free.
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