ironSource offers a complete ecosystem for downloadable apps including all aspects of user acquisition, monetization, optimization and integrated analytics. ironSource is a five-year-old Israeli startup valued at more than $1 Billion (105 Million in received funding). Below is our interview with Daphna Giniger, ironSource’s UK Director:
Q: ironSource is an online software and mobile distribution company – how would you describe ironSource in your own words?
A: ironSource connects people with the apps they want and need, and we do it over 7 million times a day. With thousands of apps being added to app stores every month, the need for a comprehensive discovery solution like ironSource’s is only growing. We reach over 245M unique users a month on mobile alone, making relevant connections between developers and users so that both parties win. Our goal is to help users find the apps they want, and help developers get in front of the right users to give their apps the best chance of success.
Q: ironSource helps developers improve digital discovery, distribution and monetization, could you explain the advantages of your technology?
A: With over 3B installations, we have tons of experience in connecting users with the apps they will find relevant and useful. ironSource can offer app developers both reach and superior targeting when it comes to user acquisition. Our solutions are also the best in market for making sure your application gets installed on a device successfully. For example, almost 33% of desktop installations today actually fail. ironSource can increase the rate of successful installations by a great deal. It’s important for advertisers to stay in control, so our solution is highly customizable. This means you can continue growing without compromising the user experience.
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Q: What can you do for tech startup companies?
A: For anyone with an application – whether desktop or mobile – ironSource can help them turn a great product into a scalable business. We let developers and publishers focus on what they do best, developing – great products. We take care of the rest, like distribution and monetization, all with the user in mind. We’re living in an incredibly innovative age, but it’s no longer just about the technology people are producing, but about the infrastructure around it which enables that technology to succeed. That’s where ironSource comes in.
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Q: Startup companies usually do not have large marketing budgets. Could you tell us something more about your pricing?
A: Our pricing is usually based on price per install (CPI), which means we can deliver performance. A developer doesn’t need a huge budget, they just need to be able to control their funnel, so that they know exactly how much to spend per install in order to drive good ROI. We make sure that investing with us results in positive ROI so that our advertisers keep coming back.
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Q: What can we expect from ironSource in next six months? What are your plans?
A: ironSource has nearly tripled its size in the past year, and opened offices across three continents: two new offices in the US, one in Beijing, and me here in Europe, heading up our UK office. Besides expanding our global foot print, we want to continue innovating the app distribution market and we’re expanding to reach new links in that value chain. Stay tuned, this is only the beginning.
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