Below is our recent interview with Bruce Johnston, Head of Digital Marketing at Kosli:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?
A: Sure! We’re a startup based in Oslo, Norway and we’re building a DevOps tool for software developers. We started in 2019 as a change management automation platform for regulated DevOps teams. Our take on change management is that you can automate it as part of your CI/CD and release software without extra paperwork and meetings. Our early customers were banks and other fintechs, but earlier this year we came to realize that we’d actually solved a much bigger problem than change management. Our tool has all kinds of other use cases for developers in any industry.
Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?
A: Yes, our free tier for developers will always be free and you won’t ever need a credit card to sign up. You’ll be able to log in with your github handle and you’re good to go. We’re a DevOps company, so we love all of the tooling and automation that has arrived over the last 10 years or so. But we can also see that it’s created more complicated software delivery processes that produce much higher volumes of change. And understanding all that change isn’t easy, especially when things go wrong. With Kosli developers will be able to get answers to what’s happening in their pipelines and environments much faster than they do know.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?
A: So, today’s DevOps teams can have multiple repos, runtime environments, microservices, different CI and CD tools, and they might be making deployments to production every day. How do you keep a handle on everything that’s changing when your software delivery process is like this? Finding out what changed in an environment, why it changed, when it changed, who changed it – these aren’t easy things to figure out. Developers spend a lot of time trying to pinpoint specific changes, but with Kosli they’ll be able to get to the answer by using familiar commands in the terminal.
Q: What can we expect from your company in the next 6 months? What are your plans?
A: Once we make self-serve available later in the summer we’ll take feedback from our new users and use it to refine the product. We expect to add several new people to our team to help us with that. We will then make a further funding announcement with our new VC partners in Europe and the USA. In September we’ll also travel to the USA to sponsor some industry events. Boston, Washington DC and Chicago will each host a DevOpsDays conference and our American friends will be able to meet us in person at all three. Oh, and we’ll be in London too!
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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?
A: Our culture. We think it’s really important that Kosli is a place of psychological safety where everyone feels free to do their best work. We are also a remote first team, so even though Kosli HQ is in Oslo everyone is free to work from home. Despite being remote, most of our work is done as a team. We practice ensemble programming and our marketing approach is also highly collaborative. We also care about the environment and we have a tree planting partnership set up with Ecologi to help us become a carbon neutral company. And if that all sounds good – we’re also hiring!
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