Unlike similar drag-n-drop platforms, SimplyGoLive doesn’t limit users to pre-made templates or restricted feature-sets. It combines the simplicity of template based websites with the customizability of custom developed websites. Here is our interview with Jan Szalkowski, Founder of SimplyGoLive:
Q: What is SimplyGoLive? What was your inspiration in making it?
A: Our inspiration was mainly how difficult it was for the average person to build a website. Creating a system like this takes some time, and we wanted to be sure that everything we implemented was easy to use but created a look that was professional and fully functional. During SimplyGoLive’s development, several big players announced their own web building services, so we watched them closely to see what missteps or mistakes they would make, so that we could avoid those same issues.
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Q: What is your main differentiator?
A: SimplyGoLive has been built completely from scratch. Typically, with website builders, you’re either stuck with a template or some pre-made widgets that don’t really lend themselves well to the design process. Our system embraces innovation at the process level, which means you can mix and match different elements that are designed to work and flow together seamlessly.
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Q: How Long Did it Take to Put Together SimplyGoLive? How Big is Your Team at the Moment?
A: We’ve been working on SimplyGoLIve for two years. The most challenging aspect of the development are user experience/interface issues. Many web building apps try taking shortcuts AROUND these problems. We decided to solve them while keeping simplicity at the forefront. Our team consists of 10 people currently, all working remotely around the world. We find that this allows everyone the flexibility they need to do their best work.
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Q: What Can Your Users Expect in 2015 and What’s Your Favorite Upcoming Feature?
A: We’re planning to launch in mid 2015, so expect to see a completely new approach to the website building experience. We have many innovative features, but my own personal favorite actually encompasses two things. The first is the robust components animation engine, which lets you preview as you create it. Secondly, the responsive layer slider lets users create advanced animation effects that involve several components.
I’m also a big fan of how we handled multi-level grid-based layouts as part of the website building process.
There’s a lot of detailed work that goes on behind the scenes as you’re building a website with SimplyGoLive. Our goal is to make sure that users don’t see any of that – that they’re only focused on making the best possible design that fits their needs perfectly.
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