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An Interview With Louisiana Based Marketing And Technology Company Digital Logic

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* – This article has been archived and is no longer updated by our editorial team –

Below is our recent interview with Seth Winterer, CEO of Digital Logic:

Seth Winterer

Q: Seth, tell us something more about the company and your history?

A: Digital Logic is a Shreveport, Louisiana based digital marketing company. We started the company in 2017 and at the time, we were renting office space from one of our first Law Firm clients. Since then, we’ve grown to a much larger team that’s expanded to serve clients in 10 states. At Digital Logic, we have an intense focus on customer satisfaction and marketing technology.

We see a problem with the way the national marketing providers are going about selling and servicing their local SMB clients. Business owners get tired of being put into a rotation of constantly evolving account managers and being sold the same digital marketing package their competitor has.

When a new potential client approaches us, we take on a different strategy. We get to know our clients: from delving into their past to extracting specific plans for the future. Our team then takes that information and builds out a strategy to help them get there. Online marketing changes on a daily basis, and we like to push the ‘envelope’, so to speak, as long as it’s measurable.

We help our clients build out a measurable web presence across the internet. This, in turn, helps their potential clients connect with them.

Q: Who are your clients and what are they saying about your company?

A: We focus on working the Law Firm and Healthcare industries. By having a narrow focus on these two primary business categories, it allows our team to really get a deep understanding of how our client’s businesses work. We focus on a few business categories because it’s better to be specialized across a few industries, rather than working with 20 different types of businesses where we only have surface level knowledge on how those businesses work. In our case, it’s better to go deep than wide.

Our clients love working with us. We haven’t lost a client yet, which is a great measure of how much success we’ve brought our clients and a true testament to our team. Our clients love the transparency of how we measure performance for them. Clients really appreciate that we don’t guess when it comes to spending their hard earned money on marketing. We report back exactly how much they’re spending and provide key performance metrics that trace back cost per customer and cost per lead right down to the dollar that was spent.

Q: So what exactly can you do for businesses? What industries do you serve?

A: We help businesses with every aspect of their online marketing from web design, SEO services, content marketing, link building, and social media management.

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Q: Does every business need a website? Why?

A: Of course. Regardless of the business size, a website can help exponentially grow your brand. The marketing efforts of the past will no longer suffice for today’s businesses. Customers expect to see a professionally built website for every business. Regardless if you have a website or not, your business will eventually be ‘online’ via reviews, anyway. Having a website is a good way to ensure your branding and the information provided is correct. Here is a guide we put together on website best practices.

The internet levels the playing field for small business owners. They are no longer required to have huge budgets in order to compete with big-box retailers. They just have to outsmart them. This is where Digital Logic feels it really is able to shine: the outsmarting process. By implementing the correct strategies, optimizing your site for major search engines like Google, and a number of other processes, our small business clients often end on the first page of the search engine results, which is the goal.

Q: How is online marketing different today than it was just a few years ago?

A: The online marketing process continues to become much more refined. We are able to broadcast more widely, target more specifically, and understand the data more easily than in the past.

Geotargeting and geofencing marketing have become much more popular. Ad delivery based on location is a budget-friendly way to help our clients get brand recognition, from zip code level to geo-fencing specific locations, our clients love that we are able to only spend their money on audiences relevant to them.

Content marketing is becoming more commonplace. Businesses are turning to professional marketing agencies, because, unlike in the past, they can’t just ‘throw money at it’ to make it work. You can’t simply buy an ad or even several ads and expect to see more customers, now. Instead, in order to gain traffic, you must become a trusted advisor in your industry. This is carried out by producing valuable content, something Digital Logic has been doing for years.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: We are targeted to at least double or triple client base again in 2019 and continue to expand our footprint.

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