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Avidbots Aims To Bring Robotic Solutions Into Everyday Life And Increase Organizational Productivity

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Below is our recent interview with Faizan Sheikh, CEO and Co-founder at Avidbots:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to your company?

A: Avidbots’ vision is to bring robotic solutions into everyday life to increase organizational productivity and to do that better than any other company in the world. Today, Avidbots designs, manufactures, sells and supports Neo, a fully autonomous robot.

Avidbots was founded by Faizan Sheikh and Pablo Molina who both graduated from the University of Waterloo Mechatronics program. Their goal when founding Avidbots was to build a commercial robot that was useful, intelligent and productive.

After a lot of discussion, they settled on developing a commercial floor-scrubbing robot. There were already floor scrubbers available, but they were all human-driven or human-assisted. By automating the dirty, dull and dangerous task of floor care, organizations could reallocate their teams to core-business activities. And so the idea for Neo was born.

Now in its 8th generation, Neo has cleaned over 2.5+ billion square feet of flooring in facilities around the world. Designed as a robotic platform with add-ons in mind, Neo’s capabilities can be expanded beyond floor care to items such as 3-D surface disinfection.

Q: Any highlights on your recent announcement?

A: The world’s battle with COVID-19 has really shone a spotlight on the importance of cleaning, including something as mundane as floors. By equipping Neo with the Disinfection Add-On, organizations can automate yet another essential cleaning function. The use of electrostatic sprayer technology was an important component for us when developing this add-on because it has the ability to reach even hidden surfaces, uses less chemicals and coats surfaces evenly. The Disinfection Add-On delivers an effective, efficient and measurable sanitation.

Not only are companies able to be more cost-effective by leveraging one robot to perform two functions, they have the ability to track exactly what has been cleaned and disinfected. With a manual machine it’s impossible to measure what was cleaned, how well, and with what efficacy.

The reception from prospects, clients, media and people in the technology sector has been very positive and the consensus thus far has been that the Disinfection Add-On is a much-needed and welcome Neo addition.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your offering?

A: Looking to provide more value to robotics users across industries and solve one of the most pressing challenges for facility managers today – ensuring safe and healthy environments despite COVID variants – Avidbots has expanded its robotics offerings.

Avidbots is reimaging cleaning, offering a multi-function robot that not only autonomously cleans floors, but disinfects high-touch surfaces – think door handles, lockers and drinking fountains to name a few. Through the company’s new offering, a disinfecting sprayer can be added to a Neo fleet.

Students, teachers and travelers across the globe are seeing Neo and its disinfection add-on whizzing around, ensuring an effective and consistent clean.

Neo is a fully autonomous floor-scrubbing robot built from the ground-up powered by the Avidbots Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform, enabling it to act and adapt to its surroundings at a level unmatched by its competitors in the marketplace.

It has a suite of market-leading sensors, resulting in superior obstacle avoidance. Featuring advanced diagnostics and Avidbots Remote Assistance, Neo leads the market in autonomy and navigation and is the best in keeping the operational environment safe.

Organizations can trust Neo to keep customers, employees and visitors safe and healthy! And, with the Neo Platform providing a fully autonomous clean and disinfection, the team will have more time to focus on their core business. The Neo Platform delivers cleaning and disinfection efficacy and efficiency and gets the job done at a lower cost.

Q: What can we expect from your company in the next six months? What are your plans?

A: Over the next six months, we will focus on continuing to deliver the best autonomous cleaning solution available in the marketplace. We will continue to grow by partnering with additional organizations around the world, while working closely with our current partners.

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Q: What is the best thing about your company that people might not know about?

A: It may sound cliché, but it really is all about the people and culture here at Avidbots. Senior leadership encourages everyone to contribute and recognizes them for doing so regardless of their title or job function. Avidbots truly believes in a door-open policy and wants input from across the organization. This not only leads to a large, collaborative and intellectual talent pool, but it also leads to a positive and productive work environment where everyone feels that they have a degree of ownership in the company.

Last Updated on December 24, 2021

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