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Guaranteed Removals Review – The Nation’s Largest Online Content Removal Company

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Below is our recent interview with Ian Domenegato, Head Of PRM Department at Guaranteed Removals:

Q: For those who haven’t heard of it, what is the best way to describe Guaranteed Removals?

A: Guaranteed Removals is the nation’s largest reputation management company, specializing in the permanent deletion of negative online material. With the increased usage of social platforms and third-party review sites, many individuals and businesses are subject to online slander and defamation.

Through our services, we work alongside clients to develop personalized strategies to combat negative material and secure their online reputation. We take pride in providing our clients with the opportunity to highlight the integrity of their person or brand.

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Q: You’ve recently been named one of the nation’s top growing companies; could you tell us something more?

A: Guaranteed Removals is honoured to have been featured on Maclean’s 2019 Startup 50 ranking of Canada’s Top New Growth Companies. The Startup 50 list celebrates companies that have achieved exceptional revenue growth in a two-year time span. Additionally, our company received further recognition as The Globe and Mail announced Guaranteed Removals as one of the nation’s Fastest Growing Companies in their inaugural report on Business ranking.

We have seen extensive growth in the last several years and we attribute much of our success to our dedicated team of professionals. We work diligently to provide innovative solutions to our clientele and look forward to seeing what new services we can bring to the marketplace.

Q: Why is online reputation management important?

A: In today’s digital landscape, online reputation management is vital to both personal and professional success. When negative content surfaces online, businesses may have difficulty retaining customers and securing everyday operations. Likewise, private statements that are made public are often misconstrued, making it challenging for individuals to defend themselves in the wake of unfavourable comments.

We at Guaranteed Removals aim to help those who have had personal information exposed online by helping to protect their privacy. In an age of social sharing, it is important to remain mindful of what information ends up online as it could severely impact your personal life and professional opportunities.

Q: What types of services do you provide to your clients?

A: Guaranteed Removals specializes in the permanent deletion of negative links and is currently the only company focused on deleting defamatory content from Google. Engaging with our services requires one to spend time educating a removal representative on all elements related to their case to increase the chances of successful removal. Clients can rest assured that once something is deleted, it will no longer appear in their search results.

We also offer Positive Reputation Management (PRM), which focuses on populating Google search results with relevant content that pertains to a person or business. By posting on various high-ranking sites, we produce blogs, articles, press releases, personal websites, and professional interviews to help improve online search results.

Q: Which websites can you remove content from?

A: We can remove from a variety of domains worldwide; however, each situation is unique and will be analyzed on a case by case basis. By utilizing a wide range of professional resources, we remove content that includes but is not limited to news media articles, falsified business complaints, web pages, sensitive legal information, personal photos, etc.

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Q: How Does Guaranteed Removals Give Back to its Community?

A: Guaranteed Removals is proud to help cultivate positive change within our community. We run multiple initiatives each year for the Compassion Society of Halton – a social services organization that provides foods, clothes, and everyday household items to local families. We also have staff members that volunteer on a bi-weekly basis to sort through donations and help organize items.

Guaranteed Removals also runs an annual academic scholarship campaign for students pursuing an education in the field of criminology, law, or computer science. We take pride in being able to help mitigate the financial stress that comes with obtaining an academic degree.

Q: What are the company’s plans and goals for the future?

A: Guaranteed Removals strives to remain an industry leader in deletion services and online reputation management. Ultimately, a well managed Google result page alongside a reputation strategy allows individuals and businesses to take control of their digital footprint. We look forward to combating defamatory content, while helping clients to improve various aspects of their lives.

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