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Meet Zoma Sleep – The Makers Behind The Go-To Mattress For Pro Athletes

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Zoma is an innovative mattress company providing athletes everywhere with the tools they need to sleep deeper and recover faster. Below is our recent interview with James Nguyen, the resident sleep expert at Zoma.

Q: In an industry as crowded as mattresses, what makes Zoma different?

A: At Zoma, we’ve designed our mattresses to promote faster muscle recovery. We do this by using two unique layers.

First, our gel-infused memory foam features Triangulex™, a zoned support layer that reacts differently to each area of the body. Near the hips and shoulders, triangular cutouts across the surface of this foam are further apart to offer more compression. This allows sensitive areas, such as those major joints, to remain cradled so sleepers don’t develop painful pressure points. Near the lumbar region, Triangulex™ is firmer and offers more stability so back muscles can fully relax and recover.

Our gel memory foam is also six times more breathable than most memory foams. It won’t trap heat or moisture, so the surface of the bed always remains cool and inviting. With this comfortable yet airy surface, sleepers are less likely to wake during the evening due to night sweats.

Supporting our memory foam top layer is our response foam called Reactiv™. This layer has a slight bounce and ensures the heaviest parts of the body don’t sink too far into the mattress. Excessive sinking can force the spine to bow, putting pressure on the muscles and leading to pain and discomfort. Reactiv™ keeps the body lifted and aligned, so the spine can rest in a neutral position.

With soft, supportive memory foam protecting the joints, and our response layer keeping the spine in a healthy position, athletes are more likely to slip into deeper, more restorative sleep that repairs and rebuilds their muscles for the next day.

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Q: Why did you become so interested in the sleep category in the first place?

A: I find the science behind sleep health fascinating. I first became interested in the four stages of sleep and how everything we do throughout the day affects the length of time we spend in each stage. Since deeper sleep is responsible for most of our physical and mental recovery, I started looking at mattress technologies that could increase deep sleep.

Through my research, I’ve also tried many of the sleep-promoting devices on the market. I have tested sunrise alarm clocks, sleep tracking mats, light therapy glasses, and more—all in the name of helping others improve their sleep. While many of these gadgets are great for those with sleep disorders or who frequently travel overseas, I have found that nothing promotes sleep like a comfortable and supportive mattress.

Q: How is it that Zoma has become a preferred brand among pro athletes?

A: Pro athletes are constantly looking for a competitive edge. They frequently ask themselves, “What can I do to be better tomorrow?” Of course, there are always multiple answers to this question. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle all contribute to performance. But, one thing most pro athletes realize is the undeniable benefits of sleep.

A full 8 hours of sleep each night is ideal for maintaining proper physical and mental health. But, athletes don’t just need longer sleep times, they also need better sleep quality, too. Improving sleep quality means experiencing more time in deep sleep, where HGH (human growth hormone) and increased blood flow can work to repair tired muscles.

Most of the pro athletes that have upgraded to a Zoma Mattress find that after just one night of sleep, they wake with fewer aches and pain, feel more rejuvenated, and have more energy. As with most industries, pro athletes share their experiences, helping their teammates improve their sleep quality and overall performance.

Q: Aside from a quality mattress, how else can people sleep better?

A: Regular exercise is one of the best things people can do to improve sleep. Even if you are not a pro athlete doing intense daily workouts, 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week can dramatically improve sleep quality. Studies show that regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, experience more deep sleep, and naturally lower stress levels.

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is also vital to improving sleep quality. Our natural circadian rhythm is linked to the rising and setting of the sun. This cycle helps control our melatonin production and, in turn, our sleep-wake schedule. During the day when we are exposed to light, melatonin is low and we remain alert. When the sun goes down, the decrease in light exposure increases melatonin and we become tired. Keeping our sleep schedule consistent and in sync with this rhythm keeps our hormones balanced and allows us to experience deeper sleep.

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Q: What sort of exciting things do you anticipate for the brand moving forward?

A: We have some really exciting things happening at Zoma right now. In addition to our memory foam mattress, we just launched the Zoma Hybrid. Our hybrid features both of our restorative foam layers, Triangulex™ and Reactiv™. However, this mattress has a base of pocketed spring coils. These springs are individually wrapped to reduce motion transfer and to provide accurate contouring. If you want to experience the comfort and support of our advanced foam layers, but also prefer the bounce that comes with a traditional innerspring mattress, our hybrid is a great option.

Over the next few months, we are also launching three new products: a body pillow, a weighted blanket, and a sheet set. It’s our mission to continue innovating within the sleep industry, and we’re excited to introduce more solutions to help our customers and the pro athletes that rely on Zoma to get the rest and recovery they deserve.

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