Near is new app developed to make professional networking easier. Our recent interrview below is with Isaac Vigil, Founder and CEO of new startup Near:
Q: What pain point are you solving and why?
A: We are helping you find and connect with the right professionals. Near will be useful when:
• Attending events or conferences, search by profession to get the people you want to talk to.
• Find a professional to work with, near you or in determined location.
• Let potential customers know where are you, and meet for a conversation face to face
We do this because we believe people need to find valuable connections to help them accomplish their professional goals.
Q: How it works?
A: Chose “near you” or “by location”, a “profession” and connect with the people you are interested in. There are other filters you can apply to your search like experience, skills, proximity and more. Once you added somebody the app stores the contact as a card, where you can see al the related information. You can communicate with your cards easily using the chat feature.
Q: Is there a personal story behind your product?
A: Yes, my friend found a job using an app to find friends near your location. She connected with the boss of a company when she was in a popular office area, asked him if they were searching for people, went to an interview and got the job.
When I heard that story I saw the potential of a location based networking connection app, as the app she used is for finding friends and dates, a professionals based app will be more adequate for the purpose she used it for.
Q: Give a glimpse of the future, what’s going to happen a year from now?
A: We already have a large number of people who have signed up for being in our Beta release list, we are working for launching the app in September. Our first year plan is grow our user database and secure funding while polishing the app, and launching a web-based service.
Q: Who is behind Near ?
A: I am the founder and CEO of Near. Originally from Barcelona, Spain. I’ve travelled around the world, lived in the UK, France, Japan and China. My background is product development and UX/UI design. Sergiy Gordiychuk is the CTO of Near. Sergiy is a talented developer who has studied in Cherkasy Engineering and Technological Institute. He’s the one making all the coding magic!
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