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Straight Nutrition Provides Natural Health Gateway To Professional Quality Nutrition Products And Services

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Debi Foli graduated Cume Laude with her MBA from Grand Canyon University. She graduated Magna Cume Laude with her Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Health/Business after attending Charter Oak State College, Arizona State University, California State University at San Marcos and others. She has coached health in the alternative and complementary healthcare field since 1991. Below is our recent interview with Debi Foli, the Founder of Straight Nutrition:

Q: What is your moto and mission?

A: At, we don’t cure ANYTHING. We arm you with the tools to make decisions so you may provide the right environment in your body for it to operate in the Homeostasis that it was designed for. The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body. Your job is to provide the right environment. Our job is to help you understand what that environment is, one person at a time.

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Straight Nutrition?

A:, your Natural Health Gateway to Professional Quality Nutrition Products and Services where we believe “Vitality is Created by Nutrients, Not Drugs! TM”.

Q: Can you give us insights into your products?

A: Our healthcare practitioners have been using Nutritional Blood Chemistry and Toxicology testing for over 30 years. Our comprehensive Nutritional Analysis system is the most comprehensive analysis in America today. Our doctors are Board Certified in Nutrition and have coached literally hundreds of thousands of patients across America. Our Simple System starts with a FREE symptom survey and a FREE system survey appointment. Our Nutrition manufacturers formulate nutrition products for healthcare professionals and support with direct to patient shipping. We let your body tell us what it needs, after all, there is NO one size fits all. We are all made uniquely and authentically by our Creator who knows we each make our own choices when it comes to food, exercise and sleep. You deserve to be in charge of your own body and your health.

Q: Do you have any nutritional tips for COVID19 days?

A: Living drug free is the best way to create Vitality in your body. Balancing the foods between the food groups, staying off chemicals and GMO foods, getting your proper sleep, exercise, sunlight and living in healthy relationships with those you love all increase your body’s natural immunity. This is your best defense against any predator. We have plenty of research that outlines the different nutrients that assist your natural immunity including Vitamin C, D, A along with others.

Start with our Perfect Eating Day (PED) to compare our recommended food plan to your activity and have your blood tested. Get your baseline testing done from one of our labs – LabCorp or Quest and Doctor’s Data.

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Q: Can you tell us something more about your approach? What makes it unique?

A: We approach each person individually and make recommendations based on your body’s testing results. We don’t have a one size fits all program. Upfront, our practitioners have worker harder than you do. We aim to show you how you can work as hard as we have in straightening out the nutrients. We spread out your caloric intact amongst nine different food groups, not three. When it comes to food, people are very confused. We all know that the marketing can be better than the product. We don’t allow lobbyists, averages of the labs in your region, or time adjusted path to dis-ease to move our standards. We hold our line in the standards we consider healthy. You are served individually with one of our health coaches. All of our testing results are reviewed by doctors.

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Q: What are the company’s plans and goals for the future?

A: We are currently in creation mode to further our digital platform and bring more value to our “Vitality Members”. We believe every person deserves the education that allows them to make right decisions about their bodies and their health. This education is not just for doctors. We aim to empower you with the education you need to provide the balanced nutrients that will support your body so you can operate in Peak Performance. Vitality is Created by Nutrients, Not Drugs!

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