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Switchboard Provides A Whole New Way Of Thinking About Calling Features And Phone Systems

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Below is our recent interview with Joe Sansalone, Software Architect/Product Manager at ProjectOne:

Joe Sansalone

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to ProjectOne Solutions?

A: ProjectOne is a software development company specializing in voice communications services. We’ve launched other voice services in the past with successful growth, regionally.

Our current service or app is Switchboard – it’s the most ambitious project to date. I consider it the Ultimate Calling App. Our plans are to launch North American wide. We already have a couple of large telcos interested.

I believe ProjectOne will become Switchboard. In other words, it’s the ONLY thing we focus on.

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Q: What are the advantages of your platform?

A: I like to say that professionals and small businesses don’t need a phone system. They simply need a better calling app.

The advantages of having Switchboard are simplicity and flexibility. It’s a whole new way of thinking about calling features and phone systems. I also think it’s the future of calling and voice functionality. The default calling app on iPhone or Android needs to get into the modern age.

Q: The core of the Switchboard app is its patented independent control of simultaneous call sessions; could you tell us something more?

A: Sure. Imagine being a switchboard operator back in the 60s or 70s. You would have access to any line and could connect any line to any other line. You could also listen in and do all sorts of other stuff.

Fast forward to the mobile connected world. We now have the power to allow end users to access the telephone network and control it any way they want. Switchboard is all about access and control. As an end user you’ll have access to any active call (call session) and have the ability to perform an action on it. You’ll also be able to perform this action independently of the active call you are currently talking on.

This opens up voice functionality to the extreme. In other words, no more limitations with your mobile phone or phone system. Switchboard also allows access to other people’s call sessions, permission based of course. This allows for networking, call centers and other useful voice activity.

Check out our youtube preview for examples of access and independent control.

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Q: What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced in launching your business and how did you overcome it?

A: At the very beginning, we faced a challenge in advertising.

Q: How do you attract clients for cheap enough so that it’s profitable?

A: That was a challenge for us going up against larger companies in telecom. We tried lots of different advertising methods on a small scale first and measured everything we were doing in order to assess the best way. Eventually we really grew quickly in subscribers, so it worked out. There was a lot of doing things differently in order to get an advantage.

Currently our biggest challenge is getting funding for Switchboard. We are looking for a seed round. It’s also a challenge building a simple yet powerful calling app and having it scale smoothly. We solved that.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: It’s all about getting Switchboard – The Ultimate Calling App, in the hands of users in Canada and the U.S.

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